PT LE Manual plugin delay compensation

threads like this make me question the sanity of ptle users, they are like a digital form of masochists

+1,000,000 it's soooooooooooo fucking retarded to me that you have to even worry about this shit in the first place.
so few plugins i use these days actually incur a delay that isnt compensated for in L.e 1 -16 samples max.
It doesn't really bother me.
Dez i think i've got to the bottom of it...!!!
When bouncing the trigger tracks, do you have any sends on the aux's with trigger inserted on them?
i had the kick trigger going to the snare triggers suppression sidechain and Vice Versa
This was all dandy in HD but for some reason REmoving the sends made the files line up properly in LE

This Is due to the aux i was sending having a delay and thus delaying the entire track!
it seemed to work without the suppression anyhow just thought id try it with a triggered signal so it was more reliable!
Nope, I'm just getting this as normal. I'll double check if I have anything on the bus which would be creating the problem. I may have it being sent to another bus for parallel compression. Cheers for the info though man!