PT bouncing not working


May 23, 2005
St Louis
I have tried to bounce a song about 4 or 5 times now to an MP3 in Pro Tools 7.1. Every time the whole song plays all the through, but when the song ends and there should be a small dialog box that says something like "converting files" with a scroll bar that takes a few seconds, it isn't there. Some box pops up but only for a nanosecond and goes away, and no error message comes up, but the bounced song doesn't exist so it didn't bounce.

Any help?
first id check to see where the bounced song is supposed to end up, im also assuming that you have the MPT of DVT2 pack because if you dont have one of those you cant bounce to MP3 im not sure if it stops you before you attempt it if you dont have it or if it just doesnt work.
try reducing the size of the DAE playback buffer ... get it down to level 2. If that doesn't work, try reducing the size of the H/W buffer also. Then try bouncing again.
Uncheck the box that says delete file after conversion.

But seriously folks, the MP3 function isn't that good, go to Wav then go to a better prog. to make the the MP3.