Pull the trigger and the nightmare stops...

Kitty Star

Relentless Groupie
Jul 19, 2004
Bay Area, California
Alone. In a crowd of a million people. Alone. Crying over me, screaming at me, reaching for me, grabbing me. Alone. Attention focused on me, but are they really focused on me? They look right through me, behind me, around me, as they pull my insides out. Turning me inside out. Exposing my everything, something, nothing, me, as I stand alone. Alone. I am the means to the end. Always the means and never the end. They are the means to my end, as I stand alone. Alone. Stretched thin, so thin cracks appear in my protective shell. Exposing my soul, leaking it out, letting them in. Through the cracks seeps the darkness, clouding my sight, stealing my smile, throwing shadows across my mind. I choke on the pain, suffocating, I drown in the vast emptiness that squeezes my heart. I stand alone. Through my silence I call out for help. My cries echo in my head but remain unheard to those who can save me. If they heard my voice would they want to save me? Where is my white knight in shinning armor? Where is my fairy god mother? The magic mirror to tell me my fate? These things do not exist for me. On my pedestal below the ground, out of sight, out of mind, in demand. I remain alone.

I am having a very bad day. I just thought I would share. :cry:
i love the title of this thread because it is about people shooting themselves preferably in the head and that is so romantic and beautiful and enigmatic.
minxnim said:
i love the title of this thread because it is about people shooting themselves preferably in the head and that is so romantic and beautiful and enigmatic.
I wish I could take credit for it, but I stole it from a song lyric.