Pull the trigger and the nightmare stops...

Food poisoning of any kind sucks beyond anything. I have gotten it more times than I would care to count, my heart goes out to you Mia my darling. I wish you a speedy recovery!
well, actually. alex is right on the spot.
it was more like, "i wonder if i'll really get salmonella if i drink two tablespoons of raw chicken water" though. hahahaha. i'm autistic. :(
mia, once i tried to pay one of my college roommates 20 bucks to drink a whole baggie full of nasty raw chicken water! (he declined)

and KS, i'll drag out an oldie but goodie

You are a bunch of wussies. I have eaten more rotten food than I care to admit and never had any food poisoning...

Lick your kitchen floor everyday and never get sick! Imune to everything....
i thought autistics were just very mentally rigid and uptight with no ability to express emotions. they give themselves the runs too???