

Dec 6, 2005
ok now its MY turn!!
I have a friend, a very very close friend, whose wife is a total sarcastic...."person." to the point of just plain bad taste. There is a Dropkick Murphy's show in the area, and I was asking about the support bands. She proclaims to me, "its punk, you wouldnt understand and you do not belong" and "punk pits are more dangerous than metal, you would be crushed." What bothered me is, why, according punks, you cannot like any form of music outside of your fave? Apparently, I cannot like punk, hardcore, thrash, metal, death metal, rock n roll, or 80's keyboard stuff all at the same time. Why are some people like that? And why do punks get mad when a metalhead likes or buys "their" music???? WTF? Thank GOD my buddy is cool and tells her to be quiet when she is like that.....but it still bothers the crap out of me. I guess the question I am posing here is.....does anyone agree with this crap!? How many of you like punk or been to a punk show? Personally, I have been to a few, and the pits there are FAR from dangerous, just a bunch of dudes with mohawks or bad haircuts jumping around or "skanking." Pantera, Morbid Angel, and Anthrax ALL had killer pits I saw dudes get hurt in. And if I cannot like more than one genre, then METAL it is.......

here is a quote from a guitar mag I have "thrash is punk played by people that know HOW to play their instruments.":yell:
Here is some trivia, I heard when the Sex Pistols started they needed someone from the audience to help tune their guitars since they had no idea (don't know how true it is mind you, but I thought i'de share)......
ThraxSA said:
Here is some trivia, I heard when the Sex Pistols started they needed someone from the audience to help tune their guitars since they had no idea (don't know how true it is mind you, but I thought i'de share)......
Must be true, why would you want a bass player who cant even play his bass? Even Lemmy told him to pack it up. Bottom line though, if you can enjoy it, thats good.
metal_thrashing_kansan said:
ok now its MY turn!!
I have a friend, a very very close friend, whose wife is a total sarcastic...."person." to the point of just plain bad taste. There is a Dropkick Murphy's show in the area, and I was asking about the support bands. She proclaims to me, "its punk, you wouldnt understand and you do not belong" and "punk pits are more dangerous than metal, you would be crushed." What bothered me is, why, according punks, you cannot like any form of music outside of your fave? Apparently, I cannot like punk, hardcore, thrash, metal, death metal, rock n roll, or 80's keyboard stuff all at the same time. Why are some people like that? And why do punks get mad when a metalhead likes or buys "their" music???? WTF? Thank GOD my buddy is cool and tells her to be quiet when she is like that.....but it still bothers the crap out of me. I guess the question I am posing here is.....does anyone agree with this crap!? How many of you like punk or been to a punk show? Personally, I have been to a few, and the pits there are FAR from dangerous, just a bunch of dudes with mohawks or bad haircuts jumping around or "skanking." Pantera, Morbid Angel, and Anthrax ALL had killer pits I saw dudes get hurt in. And if I cannot like more than one genre, then METAL it is.......

here is a quote from a guitar mag I have "thrash is punk played by people that know HOW to play their instruments.":yell:
You gotta feel sorry for these one track minded fools. Child abuse maybe? Ive met quite a few punks, especially in my younger age. Friends of the family used to own a pub and there would be punk bands every week. Kind of like the shit you would see in Class Of 1984. Mind you a lot of them where very nice, down to earth people with bad hair cuts and more metal on their face than around Mr Ts neck. Maybe it was just an aussie thing. Mind you, if you tell them to fuck off or something then they will bash you or shake you up. MTK, i dont think your mates wife or her friends are punks, more like nazi racists. Sorry but she needs to be drowned in the nearest bath tub. :D
My only real experience of a punk pit was GBH a few years back, i ended up with a split head but that was more to do with the confined space than aggressive punks. I would definately say that the most aggressive pits i've been in were Sepultura and possibly Slayer, alot scarier than GBH.......

.....although a mate was at a dropkicks show a couple of years back and broke two ribs, again more to do with ridiculous quantities the black stuff:erk: than aggressive crowds.

Have a good time, i hear they kick ass:headbang:
anyone who says a punk pit is more violent than a metal pit hasn't seen Exodus. Machine Head tend to have violent pits as well, there has been broken bones and other nastiness each time I've seen them.
I think more or less its that I like something she likes (she is not too fond of me.....) andd she cannot stand that. It just bugs me though. All her punk friends that I know constantly bash metal. They all say "its too fast, too much distortion, you cannot understand what they say" and my personal fave "they cant play." In checking this out, they think there is sometimes no "hook" in metal. Uhmmm....ok. I think they got metal poisoning from all the crap in their face. And an added thing to pits, although they are considered more NYHC than metal, Hatebreed has pits that I would think twice about, and thats about it. Maybe Biohazard too, but I have survived Slipknot, Metallica, Rancid, Ramones, Soundgarden, Anthrax, Pantera (twice) Cannibal Corpse, Hate Eternal, Skrape, Converge (cool bunch of guys), Coal Chamber (that was relatively mild), Morbid Angel, Soulfly, and a shitload of local bands and punk bands other shit like that. Out of all of them, Pantera and Morbid Angel were the most extreme. Slipknot a close second, only because it was outside and on an decline, that sucked.
ScottIansBeard said:
anyone who says a punk pit is more violent than a metal pit hasn't seen Exodus. Machine Head tend to have violent pits as well, there has been broken bones and other nastiness each time I've seen them.

Punk pits ARE quite a bit more violent. I'm talking real punk pits, not this MTV rubbish.

I've been in both.

btw, the Dropkicks put on a helluva show.
so is his wife saying I can't listen to the Ramones and then Slayer. no social distortion followed by anthrax? to me, there are two categories of music. good shit and bad shit. that's all. anyone who tries to put labels on something needs to have their reproductive organs ripped about before they procreate and continue this narrow-minded point of view that has turned this world into a bunch of sheep.
Karina_666 said:
so is his wife saying I can't listen to the Ramones and then Slayer. no social distortion followed by anthrax? to me, there are two categories of music. good shit and bad shit. that's all. anyone who tries to put labels on something needs to have their reproductive organs ripped about before they procreate and continue this narrow-minded point of view that has turned this world into a bunch of sheep.

marry me?
Well I have played in many hardcore / punk bands and I can tell ya that it can be extreamly violent. But no more violent then a metal show... Back in the day ( over ten years ago) some punk shows would make metal gigs like like a bunch on ninnies and vice versa.. The most violent metal show I have ever seen was Slayer and the most violent punk show was a dead tie between HFL and bad religion.. Seriously Bad religion gigs use to be insanely violent. As far as not being able to like other types of music thats a childish thing that most grow out of once they graduate school,, after that its just a closed minded individual. .
Karina_666 said:
to me, there are two categories of music. good shit and bad shit. that's all.
Well said. Most everyone I know listens to different types of music, I like metal, punk, old school rap and everything in between as long as I think its good. If everybody stuck to one type of music the world would be a sad place.
warparty666 said:
Well said. Most everyone I know listens to different types of music, I like metal, punk, old school rap and everything in between as long as I think its good. If everybody stuck to one type of music the world would be a sad place.

I used to be like that when I was in middle school but I grew out of it. I don't know where the mentality comes from but I see alot of people that listen to punk music have that metality that every band sucks if they are not punk and it is stupid to think like that.
DarbysDad said:
I had a big rant posted but got logged out but basically this broads a dumbass.

I HATE it when that happens:yell:

Same shit for me back in the day. We would argue everyday between "punk" and "metal" but bands like Metallica, Anthrax (S.O.D.) and Slayer via Motorhead made that all go away.