Punky stuff - fresh ears needed


More cowbell!
Aug 24, 2011
Hi dear Sneapers

I recorded this band live for the most parts then did some guitar overdubs. They're not very good musicians but working on this kind of music was new for me so it was also fun in a way. Almost no edition. I reamped the guitars today then mixed the song in two hours. Unfortunately no fresh skins on the drums (not at all!!! :Shedevil:)


Oh and for those who want to know, they sing in french :)
i like it, it's got the wild, dirty, yet tamed feeling that punk used to have. Now all punk is 100% sample replacement and auto-tune up the butt
dig this kind of music, love the mix.

what's on your master bus?
This sounds too metal for the style. Especially the drum, I would go for a more raw sound. Guitars could have more mids too. Also, you can go a bit softer with the compressor on the snare.
@ LBTM: As I usually do, I put VCC > MPX > PTEQ > SSL comp > C4 > TRacks clipper. Glad you like it!

@ Nuno: That's right it sounds a bit more Metal than we would expect but I wanted an approach more "Hardcore" than typically punk. I agree about the guitars and the snare (I admit that I've been a bit too much generous compression wise on the drums in general :D)