Pure Shit

What the hell is that bend at 1:20??
It completely threw off the timing and he looks like he's about to fall. What a fool. You should be embarrassed.
fetalrectoid said:
What the hell is that bend at 1:20??
It completely threw off the timing and he looks like he's about to fall. What a fool. You should be embarrassed.

even Elysian bends better then that :p
In Your Face said:
hey, i try really hard... i would appreciate it if you guys didn't make fun of my video!

Damn, you do that poor attempt and you come say it in that fuckin pit?! You've been officially labeled as 'go play bass" guitar player
Bodom After Breakfast said:
Dude it was an awsome attempt, but why do you need to make a video of it? and put it on the net?

Uhh... I was being sarcastic... That wasn't me.

I'm not that much of an idiot...
all of you fags that dont know to play or even have a guitar SHUT UP!
i haven't seen the guy showing off to every one either, perhaps it is online we dont know the real reason and who did it, by his posts i am able to see that he isn't that much proud of it too