
Pure sweet hell live?
Man, i wonder if Van will wear the quilt too then ;)

xxx Iris xxx
Working a thankless, grueling, day job, rehearsing songs for the new disc and hanging with my lovely lady! How are you? I can't believe the PSH MP3 thread is still going! You guys are nuts!!! HAHAHAHA!!!

CHRIST>>Thanks for calling us NUTS hahahha.

I still havent gotten around to ordering your cd. Im gonna do it. I just have to get arond to doing it. Im in the middle of wide spread trading cdr's at the moment, all over the damn world it seems. Getting lots of new stuff to listen to. Its friday the 15th here, and a friend from this board, from miles away from me, he is coming over tonight, and we are doing our second round of trading. Vhs's as well.

I know about the day job as well. IT sucks ass. WHats even stranger is......im now in a 70's rock band, cause i live in a place where im the only fuckin metal head for MILES.

BUt all i think of at work is playing and writing.

So, is it in the works EVER fo ryou guys to work only on your band? I think if your stuff goes over well, Van should go for it. YOu guys do sound good.

ANd yeah, we just cant resist posting on the MP3 thread. Its a habbit. Just as the nevermroe vs IE trhead is a habbit. You should go check that thread out. Some pretty funny stuff is in that one.

later on dude.
Polyetheism>>>hahaha, you know i like lots of stuff dude. As do you. You also know you and I agree on LOTS of stuff, but some bands hahahha.

Thanks for the advice on my head hahahah
A 70's band doesn't sound so bad to me! There's so many amazing songs from that time! At least you're jamming and having fun. That's what counts!!!

You want me to die because you don't like my band?!!! Fucking mellow out...DOUCHE!!!

There are no plans for the band to tour right now.

The page link to that interview is:

The best of 2002 so far is:

I guess I shouldn't drink when I post something!!!
CHRIST>>>Sure, im not just a metal head. BUt at the same time, the 70's songs we are playing, i would not have picked. The newest song is from around 91 or somewthing. ANd then we do tommy 2 tone. JENNY JENNY. The thing is, i would love to be in a rockin 70's band. Im not a bob seger fan, not really an eagles fan, etc. Thats the line of stuff we are playin. BUt yeah, i do have fun doin it.

Ill make the song list later, the songs we are doing anyway.

Dude from KY>>>>Its his opinion. Let him have it dude. CHrist handled it anyway.
Are you a native of KY? I am.
jenny jenny who can i turn to?
dunnah dunnah dun dunna da!
you gimmie somthin i can hold on to!
dunnah dunnah dun dunna da!
i know you think im like the others before!!
who saw your name an numba on tha wall!
Ledmag...I didn't mean that as a pissing contest, I was just wanting to see what he considered great music....

I was born in Lexington...but moved away at the tender young age of 5 yrs. was raised in Atlanta, GA. and Orlando, FL. for the following 21 years...moved here to Louisville about a year ago...

where are you from?

DaNk :Smokedev:

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