Quad tracking with two different rhythmn parts...


Nov 5, 2009
How do you guys pan this? I have a fast tremolo picking bit, over some chugs. Do you have all of one part on one side, and the other part on the other side, or one part 100-100 and the other 80-80 (or whatever-whatever)? Amps are different each side rather than different 'outside' and 'inside' if you get what I mean?
I saw a similar thread on this a while back. I told the person to put on some good headphones and listen to Behemoth. Hard panned in either direction, no matter if it's chords and tremolo picking or whatever. Sounds great, and sounds brutal.
If you're worried about spectral balance, have them track their part with a different amp each pass. Share the gear, so to speak.
The best way to approach anything like this, be it different parts, harmonies, octaves, whatever, is to see each side of the stereo spectrum as a different guitarist. So the 100/80 L parts are one guy, the 100/80 R parts are another guy. It always comes off more dynamic and more band-like if you take this approach, and I've never had it feel unbalanced.
I've always liked using

Part 1 : 100L, 80R
Part 2 : 80L, 100R

for any harmony parts or separate rhythm parts.
Im gonna differ a bit and say its case by case basis. Id have to hear it to say for sure, but sometimes i think its best to have the fundamental rythem guitar parts as all four tracks, and then treat the tremelo picking stuff almost as a solo up the middle or 25 l / 25 r. That is if youve tried the other suggestions and arent entirely happy still. Alot of the time i find myself using a slow barely noticable phase 90 type effect to help those kinds of picking lines pop out a little too.
I would probably either pan each part left and right or pan them 100/80 LR.. which ever you feel gives you the best result...
On the RF album I did I had one song that had 16+ tracks in one part (the intro to Malignant Amor). Each track was doubled and I panned it like 100L/R for the low parts, Harmonies 85L/R and cleans sat at like 50-65L/R, I tend to always do this if it's a music only part, otherwise I keep things in the 100/85 (I always go 85 instead of 80, I like the separation) then just pair 'like' parts, such as rhythms will all go 100% and leads will go 85%, but it's all situational.