Quad Tracking


Mar 29, 2009
Hey guys,

I've been reading a lot on these forums about quad tracking guitars, but when I go to search to see what this is, nothing comes up directly explaining it.

Heres what I've picked up:
record the left track twice and the right track twice, and then pan 100L, 80L, 80R and 100R, respectively.

Is this right? If not...what is right?
Yes, record 4 separate tracks of whatever riffs your recording and pan until it sounds good. However, I find that I like double tracking better than quad tracking but just experiment to see what you like best. If your a tight player quad tracking may be the way to go but if you not so tight then double tracking will most likely sound better IMO.
Yes, record 4 separate tracks of whatever riffs your recording and pan until it sounds good. However, I find that I like double tracking better than quad tracking but just experiment to see what you like best. If your a tight player quad tracking may be the way to go but if you not so tight then double tracking will most likely sound better IMO.


Quad tracking is really a waste of time if you can't get it tight enough.