quality difference in andy's mixes- why?


andy's bitch
Aug 17, 2003
new zealand
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just been listening to the 36 crazy fists album andy mixed and mastered, and then ab'ing it with 'the end of heartache'

why such a big difference quality wise andy?

is it just a matter of time and effort?
or is it more to do with how good the tracking is when it gets to you?

I don't know I just think it's a 'night and day' difference between those two albums production wise and wanted to know why!!

*not being an arse, just curious*


do you think??? 2 totally different bands if you ask me??
36 is more of that Faith No More openess going on where as Killswitch has alot more thicker, chuggier Carcass riffing.

I think they've both got their moments.

I usually don't bother a b ing to other stuff (maybe a quick listen sometimes) as an album should be it's own entity, why copy something else?

Yes, ofcourse it makes a difference what you are given to mix
yeah of course, they are totally different bands with different styles *but* I wasn't really listening out for that, I was more just listening in general if you know what I mean.

sorry didn't mean to get ya pissed :ill:

just a curious little beaver :Spin:


nah I'm not pissed, mixes just take their course, and you tend to mix to the style of music rather than "I have to use this, cause I used it on this" etc.

With 36, they wanted natural drums, no sample on that snare, where Killswitch is all triggered, and that really decides where a mix can go.
How do you strike a balance between what the artist wants and how you think things should sound? They aren't always gonna be the same... will you do something at the artist's request even if it sounds bad?
Andy Sneap said:
nah I'm not pissed, mixes just take their course, and you tend to mix to the style of music rather than "I have to use this, cause I used it on this" etc.

With 36, they wanted natural drums, no sample on that snare, where Killswitch is all triggered, and that really decides where a mix can go.

Ah I see, so there are no samples at all on the toms or kick either with 36cf's?

Maybe that's what I'm hearing, because the thing I noticed the most was definately the drums, I think perhaps I'm just a total sucker for the sound that triggering gives :cool:

Also The guitar sound on kse is just lovely, even though you didn't track it I'm quessing adam.d perhaps approached the tracking in a similar way to you? 57? :grin:

by the way was it a 50/50 mix of the framus and 5150 for the rhythm tracks?

