Quantize these drums

im finishing this up now to upload tonight.I was able to save this but i had to use time stretching in spots because hits were almost 2 full beats off and i completely built the snare and kick tracks from scratch as there were blast parts that were allover the place
im finishing this up now to upload tonight.I was able to save this but i had to use time stretching in spots because hits were almost 2 full beats off and i completely built the snare and kick tracks from scratch as there were blast parts that were allover the place

Thank you so much man!
I have 3 other tracks they did.

Would you mind doing those as well?
I can pay you, of course.
its uploading now should be done in about 45 minutes sorry about the wait but Its coming.

about the other tracks id be happy to do them as well just upload them and we can talk about a price then
Thank you so much!
After I download the tracks you've done, I'll upload the rest!
tanking longer then i thought to upload its coming though!

oh and the first section of this song i had no idea what the guy was doing with the bass drum so i just made it all 16th notes untill i could tell what he was doing. if this is wrong i can change it latter on
I downloaded the edited drums, but there is no right overhead. :P

EDIT: It also says that the L OH track is corrupt. Can you re-export those and send them again? I'm sorry.
Thanks so much, man!
I'm going to work with these tracks tonight and tomorrow.

The band is coming to track guitar tomorrow afternoon.
I will post the other tracks up tonight.

There are 3 more songs, and they aren't near as bad as this one. And they are shorter. Haha.
yeah np man glad it worked out for you just get those uploaded and we can go from there

I can do these next 3 for 10$ a piece if you want its going to take me another day to get them done though