quantizing gravity blasts?


May 3, 2004
ive been recording some heavy stuff lately with a lot of blast beats and its giving me somewhat of a headache, mostly gravity blasting parts (where drummers rock the stick on the side of the snare so it hits on the up and down stroke)

what do you guys usually do in this situation? so far ive tried quantizing everything to the snare and kick but i feel like it might mess with the overhead sound too much with all the little cuts and crossfades resulting from the fast snare hits

i thought of another way, quantizing everything to the kick and then doing the snare separate. this might make the difference between the snare track and the snare in the overheads too much though

and then i guess i could just replace the snare during these parts 100% with sample or something, but then i would still have the non-quantized snare in the overheads... argh!

anyone care to share some of their experience with this?
Personally, I don't quantize and I wouldn't worry about it. The drummer should be playing on time or reasonably close enough.
hmm i dont know... listening to something like the new black dahlia murder cd, those blasts sound 100% quantized. thats kind of the sound im going for
you need beat detective. or that insanely complicated and gay way of doing it in cubendo.
good luck.
rather you than me
its not too much crazier to quantize in cubase. that part i can do well , just wondering how other people quantize the blasts

this is gonna be for my first label release too so i want the drums perfect. not quantizing them is out of the question
Around here was a post with a automatic quantizing script. Check it out. Maybe it could help you...
its not really the process of quantizing that im confused about, that part i am fine at doing. its the theory behind quantizing gravity blasts that im wondering about. mostly whether its better to quantize all the tracks or everything to the kick and do the snare separate
Drums should ALWAYS be quantized as a group, so all edits should be made across all tracks (you move a snare in the snare track it should move the OH,bass drum, and tom tracks as well)

I have tried that cubase trick and it's pretty time consuming. It worked okay though.

Ok ive been wondering about this......

Ok say you move your snare to grid and you have to make all the other tracks edits follow the snare with beat detective. Now if your kicks was off as well even if they were not and you moved the edits to follow snare then your kicks would be off now for sure.

Now you go and get your kicks to the grid and why would you want to make all the edits on the kick happen on the snare track? It would just throw off the snares again. Also now how to the toms play into this because its seems like your gonna keep going in a circle with this.

Hope that makes some sense but ive been kinda confused about this for some time now and been wondering how to work around this.
Ok ive been wondering about this......

Ok say you move your snare to grid and you have to make all the other tracks edits follow the snare with beat detective. Now if your kicks was off as well even if they were not and you moved the edits to follow snare then your kicks would be off now for sure.

Now you go and get your kicks to the grid and why would you want to make all the edits on the kick happen on the snare track? It would just throw off the snares again. Also now how to the toms play into this because its seems like your gonna keep going in a circle with this.

Hope that makes some sense but ive been kinda confused about this for some time now and been wondering how to work around this.

this means you quantize everything at once after picking where to cut all the drum tracks. you have to sort of pick which stuff to quantize, i do this by using detect silence on my trigger tracks, then im left with a million little audio events at each hit. then i snap to events and cut where i want on the folder track and quantize those cuts

whenever theres a double hit like a kick and snare at the same time it gets kinda sketchy. in that situation i usually quantize to the snare then move the kick manually since it is less audible in the overheads

and this problem is amplified tenfold on gravity blast parts becuase theres a 32nd note snare constantly going, and usually not perfectly in time. so quantizing to this snare track results in distortion (not distortion like an amp, but all the little crossfades into slightly different time shifted events) of the rest of the tracks
when ever i do gravitys I only edit the snare tracks. Because my snare tracks are louder than the snare in the OH, the difference between the blasts in the OH and the actual snare tracks is negligible. If you want to waste your time editing the kick and tom and hi hat tracks, be my guest, but you'll just be stressing yourself out.
when ever i do gravitys I only edit the snare tracks. Because my snare tracks are louder than the snare in the OH, the difference between the blasts in the OH and the actual snare tracks is negligible. If you want to waste your time editing the kick and tom and hi hat tracks, be my guest, but you'll just be stressing yourself out.

This is kind of what I figured. Gravity blasts tend to be inherently not so loud so I doubt if the OHs would really interfere that much. On the other hand quantizing is killing music :lol:.
yeah seriously, if you guys plan on editing/quantizing every drum track, fuck the drummer and tell him that youre going to program his drums. otherwise, just do what needs to be done. at least thats how i see it haha. but gravitiys are impossible with triggers because the rim is being hit. and i tried using a mic and drumagog and that works sometimes, but rarely so i just edit them in. its pretty fast when the snap is on
I never stop to think about what I do to other drums based on the Overheads.

I have already EQ'd the Overheads to clear out unwanted frequencies containing kick drums, toms and snare and enhanced the frequencies containing the cymbols themselves.

I myself would probably have manually recreated the gravity blast in correct timing using cuts and pastes of the original snare track and letting Drumagog randomly recreate the hits.

Its worked pretty well for me and sounds as realistic as it probably can without getting any fake machine gun sounds.