quantizing gravity blasts?

i see it as a major no-no to try to eliminate the snare and toms from the overhead tracks with eq (i exclude mentioning the kick here because after highpassing most of the kick is gone)

but the main purpose of the overheads is to capture the whole kit, not just the cymbols. and a lot of the nice juicy sound of the drums comes from it
Yeah. I've heard conflicting things. I've always been under the impression that overheads were there to pick up the overall sound of the kit. That's how I've always used them, and only highpass at a pretty low frequency. But on this forum I've read a few comments where people say they use OHs in metal differently, and highpass the shit out of them.
Most of my Overhead EQing is cutting below 700Hz kinda ramping up from 0.

I believe some of my Metric Halo Overhead plugins look like this as well.

I guess I feel like I really dont need anything from the Overheads other than the cymbals. And with this thats exactly what I get.

Everything I need from the kick, snare and toms comes from the kick snare and tom mics......

Now if I was micing individual cymbals (which I would like to do some day), perhaps I would treat the OH's as more of an image of the whole drum kit.
Regarding quantizing everything or just one piece of the kit:
Sometimes you have drummers that have, let's say, only one piece of the kit off time while the rest is on time, you should not quantize everything, but just the piece that is offtime.
It happened to me a lot of times.
i see it as a major no-no to try to eliminate the snare and toms from the overhead tracks with eq (i exclude mentioning the kick here because after highpassing most of the kick is gone)

but the main purpose of the overheads is to capture the whole kit, not just the cymbols. and a lot of the nice juicy sound of the drums comes from it

thats what i use ambient mics for :) this way i have the perfect amount of ambiance and raw kit sound along with perfectly leveled OH cymbals.

I find ambient mics are crucial for the fat 3d real sounding drum sound :)