Queensryche : Atlanta : The Roxy : Tonight : Roll Call!

Do they ever do The Thin Line? Love the song.

I'm not sure if it was the Empire tour (most likely) or the Promised Land tour, but I know I've seen/heard it performed live before.

Hear in the Now Frontier, Q2K, Tribe, Operation: Mindcrime II.

Let's be fair, if a new band released music of this quality, they wouldn't even get an opening slot at ProgPower.


I'm one of the biggest QR fans out there as well, but I have to agree with Zod here in that QR haven't put out anything decent since Promised Land. It's been a struggle to watch the band deteriorate over the past 10 years or so (HITNF was released in March '97.) It's pretty much Geoff's band now and in the last 10 years they've released 3 studio albums, but have 3 Best Of/Greatest Hits collections and 4 Live Albums (if you count the LiveCrime Reissue, which I obviously did) and they have a Covers album coming out this fall.

I'm holding on as tight as I can - like I'm hanging off of a cliff by my fingertips and I'm slowly loosing my grip - but unless their new album completely changes my perception (and if the new song "Justified" off of the most recent "Best Of" is any indication of their musical direction it probably won't) then I think it's time for me to accept the inevitable, let go, and fall into the abyss (which Circus Maximus has so kindly made available to me. :lol: )
No... the State Theater in New Brunswick, NJ. And it wasn't just the front row. Everyone was seated, because the band sucked.

That's definitely not the set list we got. Maybe it was the HitNF tour. Honestly, I'm not certain.


You're correct - the NJ show. I always confuse those East Coast venues. That is the video I have. Geoff's tantrum came between Breakdown and WITS. You can't see the crowd that well on the video, but he does refer to "all you fuckers in the front row." I liked seeing him fly off the handle. Maybe I have a jaded perspective, because the band always gets a great reception in Chicago.

FYI - here's the show info for that Q2K tour show per Anybodylistening.net, a QR historical/retrospective site: This was pretty much the standard set for the entire tour.

Date: March 14, 2000

Location: New Brunswick, N.J.

Venue: State Theater

Set list:

Revolution Calling
Falling Down
Liquid Sky
Spreading The Disease/ Electric Requiem
The Right Side Of My Mind
When The Rain Comes
Breaking The Silence
I Don't Believe In Love
Jet City Woman
Sacred Ground
Walk In The Shadows
Silent Lucidity
The Needle Lies
Eyes Of A Stranger
Burning Man

QR did bust out The Thin Line on the Tribe headlining tour in the fall of 2003 - I saw them play that tune at the Milwaukee concert. Geoff's solo band did a jazzed up version in 2002 as well.
You're correct - the NJ show. I always confuse those East Coast venues. That is the video I have. Geoff's tantrum came between Breakdown and WITS. You can't see the crowd that well on the video, but he does refer to "all you fuckers in the front row." I liked seeing him fly off the handle.
I suspect Geoff could only see the front row, because of the stage lights. From what I recall, the crowd was seated and bored through most of their performance.

Maybe I have a jaded perspective, because the band always gets a great reception in Chicago.
QR had always received great receptions at the NY/NJ/Philly as well. However, when you show up and give a crap performance, don't expect to be worshiped.

Well I hope they give a good performance tonight, because this will be my first time seeing them.
Whoa, this is tonight?

Meh. I've seen them do Operation Mindcrime the whole way through twice, so missing it's no big deal for me. But have fun everyone.
This will be my second time seeing them, I saw them when they came through on the Judas Priest tour. I was more impressed with QR than I was Judas Priest that show to be completely honest, plus they played Im American two times faster than how it ended up being on the album which really pissed me off because Rider of Theli and I both were like Alright! then we listen to it and were like..what? That can't be the same song they played at the concert. Hopefully I'll enjoy this show as much as I enjoyed when I first saw them.
Well, I've done all I can to send you off with low expectations...

*checks lip for blood* yeah, I see that, along with a few other detractors. Jeez, all I was asking was who else was going to the Atlanta show... not who wants to bash Queensryche across the country? :rolleyes:

I hate it that Heaven & Hell isn't stopping here. I would have taken tomorrow off to see that whole show. Funny how they're skipping Atlanta, yet going to play three dates in Fla - all within five hours' drive of each other. :erk: An enterprising fan could in effect catch the concert three times, while we get QR here in Atlanta.

and as far as expectations go... I was 'expecting' them to fully bore me to tears when they were on tour with Judas Priest for the Judas Rising tour a couple years ago, but they took the stage, owned it, played classic after classic with only a couple of songs I did not recognize from their latter years (which I hate - for the record, Zod :p ).

so, since they have gotten their Mindcrime II bullcrap out of the way over the past year or so, and since they are on tour with another 'classic' act, I am hoping we'll see another classic show from them. I can stand a few later years' tracks sprinkled in, so long as the majority of the set consists of older tunes.

see you there tonight - for the ones who can wade through the mire of this thread...

For anyone who wants to completely freak me out and say hey to me without me knowing who you are I'll be wearing a Therion - Syrius B (orange/yellow/black) shirt and camo shorts. Most likely with a hat on, I dunno...
I hope that who all are attending have a great time, but my love for Queensryche died when I heard MCII. That was the last straw for me. I own everything to Promised Land, but sold everything afterwards...including DVDs.

and as far as expectations go... I was 'expecting' them to fully bore me to tears when they were on tour with Judas Priest for the Judas Rising tour a couple years ago, but they took the stage, owned it, played classic after classic with only a couple of songs I did not recognize from their latter years (which I hate - for the record, Zod :p ).

That was an unusually good show setlist-wise... I would not expect anything like that tonight. However, I have hopes of hearing mainly pre-HitNF material since they are essentially supporting the "best of." By the way, I'm actually curious to hear the new covers album. Perhaps we'll get to hear one or two of those tonight in lieu of some of their more recent stuff. :loco:

Anyway, see you there!

well their set definitely kicked some ass. I think the only song they played off of the latest release was Im American. Most of everything else was kick ass.

Oh how I rather enjoyed their performance. You should've seen it Zod. :lol: It was great!
How much did they play after Silent Lucidity. I had to leave after that song. If anybody could post a full setlist I'd love to see it.

Overall, I enjoyed it. I honestly didn't know several of the songs near the beginning of the set, but they seemed familiar. As much as I enjoy QR, I haven't spinned any of their albums enough to memorize. And as much as I love OM:I, I'm not familiar enough to pick them out individually, but could tell lyrically. But the band definitely seemed to be on top of things. Tate sounded pretty damn strong, even if he didn't go for the high notes, he could hold some notes for insane amounts of time. Plus, his voice was really full, and he was definitely into the performance. The crowd loved it. Hell the guy started off with some insanity and instantly had the crowd in his hand.

For those who care, they did play a cover and it was

**possible spoiler for other setlists**

Pink Floyd - Welcome to the machine. Tate broke out the saxophone, but sadly most of the time you couldn't hear it when he was playing it.
How big was the crowd?

about the same as for Blind Guardian last December. I can't estimate the numbers, but several hundred no doubt. The floor level was pretty full from the rear of the sound board forward.

And I'll echo the sentiments so far - yes, they were GREAT! :headbang: They played for almost 2 solid hours with very little chatter between songs. Tate would stop every 5th or 6th song to speak for a minute then they would tear into several more songs. And the set was full of plenty of the good, older material sprinkled with about 3 or 4 songs I didn't know at all (so they must have been from HitNF or later). And once again 'I'm American' kicked so much ass live, where on the album it's rather lackluster.

kudos to the 'Ryche for keeping the 'original' progressive metal alive and well after more than 25 years. They were certainly a band ahead of their time in the 80's.
