Queensryche "Redemption"

Sounds very promising! I'm a long time Queensryche fan, but I welcome this new direction. Their albums the last decade and a half have been spotty at best (at least to me). This will be the first QR album in a long time that I am excited to hear!
This does sound very interesting. It's too bad that Todd left Crimson Glory, but I sure am glad he is in (this version of) Queensryche!

They're playing in Dubuque, Iowa on March 6. I've been toying with the idea of driving down to see them.
While this is an improvement over Dedicated to Chaos and Todd sounds better on this than Tate has since about 2000, I don't find it to be the massive improvement we're all hoping for.

The main riff itself is a rather trite riff any modern hard rock band could have written, and while La Torre's range is a bit higher than Tate on Chaos, it's not even close to Mindcrime 1. I hope this is only a rough mix, because the mix sounds very similar to Dedicated to Chaos. That wasn't a bad mix, but if you're paying for Jimbo Barton to produce your album, for my money, it should sound as huge as Mindcrime or Empire did. This sounds like a boring early 2000s radio rock mix. I want my huge snare sound. :guh:

Look, I'm as die-hard a fan as it gets, but I think this new song is getting excess praise when it doesn't seem really much better than their last couple of albums. I admire their new spirit to recapture the sound of the old days, but this song doesn't seem to have it, aside from the harmony riff 15 seconds in.

Still, I'm more than willing to give it a chance and can't wait to hear the full thing. :hotjump: