New Queensryche snippet, thoughts?

That's...pretty good, actually. Not OMG classic Queensryche or anything, but not bad.

I agree. I think it fits my expectations. I did not really think this is going to be an album that revives my past fandom or makes it into my top 5 for the year. But on the other hand based on what I have heard, this sounds like something I will buy and enjoy this year. Which is a big improvement over their status with me since I have not listened to much of anything from them post Q2Krap.

Hell, I would even go see this version live if they came close, which again is something I have not done in a very long time. Even if it is just mostly nostalgia, at least it is being done well.
LOL, now that's funny if you think that Tate's stuff will be superior..
There's nothing even remotely good about the Tate samples. Even if the music is good, just listening to Tate's voice as it is today, made me cringe when I heard it..... Just having the album initials FU sickened me and told me how classless Tate is, and I bet you won't see any of that crap on the Todd led Queensryche album.... They will take the high road and be the classy ones......Just watch...

To each his own, right?
I just prefer the "real deal" over the "imitation". Just like how Ripper was ok with Priest, but I preferred Halford....I like Wade Black, but I preferred Midnight with Crimson Glory. Same thing with Queensryche. If they were going to get a new singer, maybe it would have been better to get someone who could do the job, but didn't sound like a karaoke version of Tate. Say what you will, but I think Tate's arrogance really helped lift QR above and beyond what the other bands were doing at the time. You can hear it in his vocal delivery and read it in his lyrics...the "swagger"'s something that I don't think Todd will be able to capture. I'm not going to defend Tate's douchebaggery, but at the same time, I'm not going look at what he might or might not have done has a personal insult...the way it seems a lot of people here seem to be doing.
In the end, I hope you enjoy the "new" Queensryche.... I'm probably going to stick with Tate. Like I said before, to each his own, right?
QUEENSRŸCHE Unveil Full Version Of Debut Track 'Redemption' From Upcoming Release Due In June

Legendary Seattle rockers QUEENSRŸCHE return with new music from their upcoming soon-to-be-titled release slated for June 11th.

The band wrote 'Redemption' collectively, with the melodies and lyrics written by new vocalist Todd La Torre. The single 'Redemption' and upcoming Century Media release marks the debut from the lineup comprised of: Todd La Torre (vocals), Michael Wilton (guitars), Parker Lundgren (guitars), Eddie Jackson (bass) and Scott Rockenfield (drums). The song was mixed and mastered by famed Queensrÿche producer James “Jimbo” Barton who is known for working on the band’s classics Operation: Mindcrime and Empire.
To each his own, right?
I just prefer the "real deal" over the "imitation". Just like how Ripper was ok with Priest, but I preferred Halford....I like Wade Black, but I preferred Midnight with Crimson Glory. Same thing with Queensryche. If they were going to get a new singer, maybe it would have been better to get someone who could do the job, but didn't sound like a karaoke version of Tate. Say what you will, but I think Tate's arrogance really helped lift QR above and beyond what the other bands were doing at the time. You can hear it in his vocal delivery and read it in his lyrics...the "swagger"'s something that I don't think Todd will be able to capture. I'm not going to defend Tate's douchebaggery, but at the same time, I'm not going look at what he might or might not have done has a personal insult...the way it seems a lot of people here seem to be doing.
In the end, I hope you enjoy the "new" Queensryche.... I'm probably going to stick with Tate. Like I said before, to each his own, right?

Understand, but keep in mind that Tate's version of QR is not the real deal either, because really it's only Tate in the band who's the original member, as opposed to the other Ryche....
So this doesn't sound to anyone else like anything after Hear in the Now? I'm the only one? This band sold themselves on doing the early stuff, so I don't understand why more people aren't questioning this whole sound. LaTorre might have a better high than Tate did back in the day. I'd still argue that his low, where all the emotion in Ryche songs are felt, just isn't as strong as Tate. If they are going to sound like a demo, then sound like The Warning! Is that too much to ask? :)

And my final say on who the "real" Queensyrche are....if you don't have Tate, Wilton AND DeGarmo writing together....then you don't have the "real" Queensyrche. End of story.
And my final say on who the "real" Queensyrche are....if you don't have Tate, Wilton AND DeGarmo writing together....then you don't have the "real" Queensyrche. End of story.
Pretty sure that if you somehow got Tate, Wilton and DeGarmo back together and magically did away with all the acrimony, between them they couldn't put together a "real" Queensryche record anymore. What made Queensryche Queensryche was more than the sum of its parts, and even all the same songwriters couldn't build a "real" Queensryche record after the Empire/Promised Land era. That era passed.

- Chris
Why do people keep using the term "real" like it has some objective meaning or connotation? People keep using it as if their is one genuine true definition of subjective art. Sure there are songs, records and versions of bands that people like more than others. But the term "real" seems so arrogant and dismissive of anyone that likes another version, since their opinion is implicitly "fake" or "unreal". I know some of this is due to the contention of two versions, but many people are using it as a synonym for "quality"

Look I have not been a fan of QR for a long time, but there is no "real" Queensryche, there is Queensryche that has been in the past and Queensryche(s);) as they exist in the present. People have their favorite albums and eras, I totally respect that, but this "real" business seems silly. Awake is my favorite DT album, but I don't consider that Moore-era stuff the "real" DT. Sure I like that stuff more than most of their other stuff, but again that does not legitimize it as genuine in status.