New Queensryche snippet, thoughts?

Song wise I actually love it. The audio quality on the other hand is not that good. A lot of clipping or fuzz or some shit. Needs more clarity...I agree on the demo sound. Not sure how they cant hear that "noise" in the mix.
Hopefully this is just a rough mix. I know some other bands have released crappy sounding previews to keep people from pirating the new stuff (or so I've been told). Maybe the finl mix will sound better.

That being said, this was the best first reaction to a new QR song that I have had in a very long time...
That wasn't as awful as the first track. The first track sounded like a garage demo.

It sounds like they want to be Queensryche again, but have forgotten how after all these years. I could see them making good music again after an album or two. Todd's voice is a really good fit, imo.
This sounds pretty DAMN good, better than ANYTHING the band has done in a couple decades
Song wise I actually love it. The audio quality on the other hand is not that good. A lot of clipping or fuzz or some shit. Needs more clarity...I agree on the demo sound. Not sure how they cant hear that "noise" in the mix.

I agree with you! and 431 likes and only 15 dislikes on youtube :)

I enjoyed it. While nothing will ever touch Mindcrime, this sounds like it could have fit on either Empire or Promised Land, both of which aren't bad albums.

And again, nobody can touch Tate in his prime, but the vocals on this are SOOOOOOOOOO much better than the Tate of today, and yet Todd has a unique flair where he doesn't try and be a Tate clone, and some of the guitar leads and sound is heavier than QR has done since Promised Land.
totally catchy chorus too!
Best thing they've done in 20 years? Nah....this isn't better than stuff from Promised Land.
Meh....I'll be sticking with Tate's stuff.

LOL, now that's funny if you think that Tate's stuff will be superior..
There's nothing even remotely good about the Tate samples. Even if the music is good, just listening to Tate's voice as it is today, made me cringe when I heard it..... Just having the album initials FU sickened me and told me how classless Tate is, and I bet you won't see any of that crap on the Todd led Queensryche album.... They will take the high road and be the classy ones......Just watch...
I really like it! I think that it beats pretty much all after Promised Land. A bit worried about the brickwall mastering, but hopefully that is a youtube and mp3 thing.

Based on the FU-snippets from camp Tate...I am certain that my vote will go to the band (not Tateryche)
It's not bad...but not great, IMO. It's certainly better than what GT has going AND better than the majority of Ryche output since about '97. But that alone doesn't make the song itself amazing, IMO.

Taken on it's own, it's decent. The chorus bugs me as it seems pasted into a different song...for me, it breaks the flow every time it comes around and then ends strangely. It's like someone pasted an 'Empire' chorus into a 'Promised Land' song.

Were this a song by some new, unknown band, there's no way people would be throwing around "amazing" or "awesome". It's only those things in comparison to 'Q2K' thru 'DTC'.
Does anyone actually believe that the "real Queensryche" includes neither Tate or DeGarmo?

Honestly, I questioned whether they were still the "real Queensryche" the first time I heard Empire.

They can name themselves "Elvis" if they want to. I honestly could care less about who plays for them. Their releases have been so awful for so long, they should just hire another band to write and record songs for them. If this release is good, fine, I'll buy it. If it is more of the same, I wouldn't take a copy past the nearest garbage can if someone gave it to me. No offense to QR at all, ut just seems like the creative well dried up decades ago.

I think we all just hold out hope that something great will come out of this camp again, but the reality is thatit will never be great again.
In saying that, its not awful, but I will NOT buy it unless there is something more promising on there...Its just mediocre, which is great compared to Geoff Tates poop, but still just an imitation of pre Q2K