
Papa Josh

Minister of Propaganda
I am sure there are going to be those of you who immediately have something negative to say about the band, and that's fine. Hell, I've had some negatives to say about 'em too. But this thread is for those who have at some point called themselves fans of the band.

The new album, Tribe, is interesting... it's definitely not the dark beast I was hoping for, but it's not the horror that Q2K was either.

I will say, having listened to it twice since purchasing a few hours ago, having Chris DeGarmo back for the sessions made a bit of difference. The songs are much better.

I like the first track "Open" a lot. It's also one of the "heavier" ones. "Rhythm of Hope" has an excellent orchestration.

Anyone else heard it?
Not yet, though I'm sure I'll buy this out of some ridiculous need to hear the "modern" QR. They ceased to matter to me after 'Promised Land.' Aside from their live show, which still kicks ass.
no, but like you said, after the travesty that was q2k, i had automatically severed ties with the band. i couldn't take it any more, it was like watching a close friend slowly drift apart from you (ok, that was overdoing it, but the feelings would be. . . similar). after all, i count rage for order, mindcrime, and empire as 3 of the best albums ever. s/t, the warning and promised land were all great as well. i would love for the queens to come back and save the day in resurgent form, but those hopes are pointless. i would love to hear tribe though; i hope that somewhere in them, they still maintain the ability to kick my ass like they did with their earlier stuff.
There's a bit of acoustic stuff on it, but the album is different, kinda subdued.

A complaint, similar to another Seattle metal band who just released a 40 minute cd, so did this band.

What is the other common denominator in this equation? The fact that Kelly Gray fucked up the 'Ryche's sound, was kicked out and now has done it to another Seattle contemporary.

Damn it all to hell!

Gugs, when did you see 'Ryche last? Man I saw them open on the Maiden tour and they sounded god-awful with Gray. No backing vocals, Geoff Tate sounded worn out, and I don't care what anyone says, Gray couldn't even touch DeGarmo's solos and had no business sharing astage with Michael Wilton!
Ive been to afraid to buy the album after hearing Q2K. I wanted to burn mindcrime after i heard that album. Thankfully i simply gave Q2K away.
Papa Josh said:
I don't care what anyone says, Gray couldn't even touch DeGarmo's solos and had no business sharing astage with Michael Wilton!
And yet you applaud Janick Gers for being such a pivotal band member? I know this is off topic, but after seeing Maiden a couple of weeks back, all it did was reaffirm my absolute hatred of his presence. I ignored him the entire time. Seeing Gers on stage during the phenomenon that was "Revelations" was just insulting.

[/rant over] :)

And I agree about Op Mindcrime being one of the greatest albums ever. People from all walks of metal life see that in their top ten of all time.

Perhaps Chris DeGarmo didn't really have his heart and soul in Tribe, knowing it was just a temp position, and he was on an hourly rate? Otherwise known as the "hired gun".
Queensryche put on one of the best live performances I have ever witnessed on July 3rd in Pittsburgh. However, "Tribe" is listless and drab. Queensryche's '84-'94 material is some of my favorite music in the world... but they're dead as a studio entity now. They're a nostalgia act.
@Papa: Josh, I last saw Queensryche in December of 2001, and they fucking smoked. They were touring in support of the Live album retrospective that was released that year, and played 3-8 songs from each album/era. It was billed as "an evening with Queensryche" @ The Beacon Theatre in New York City, and was simply superb.

@ProgMetalFan: Agreed.
Never owned an album but whenever they come on the radio I crank it. I have walked around music stores with Operation Mindcrime in my hand several times, always get something else instead though. Someday...

Chris DeGarmo guests on Jerry Cantrell's latest solo CD. :)
NAD said:
I have walked around music stores with Operation Mindcrime in my hand several times, always get something else instead though.

I'm sorry, this might sound harsh but I was given a hard time for admitting to never having owned a Carcass album. For not having Mindcrime, they should re-open Aushwitz just for you. :loco:
Yeah but I'm German. :lol:

I didn't mean to give you a hard time over Carcass... *laughs maniacally because you went out and bought two albums afterwards*
markgugs said:
Dude, make Operation: Mindcrime your next purchase. Seriously.

It's not only the greatest metal album of all time, it's my personal favorite album of all time, period.

Yes. Every metal fan should own "Operation: Mindcrime"
I've heard "Open" twice now. It's not bad, it's just boring. Tate sings at a regular old octave now - not really stretching his voice at all. Less conviction than his earlier stuff.

Also, I know I'm out of the loop with Queensryche but when the fuck did Geoff Tate get alopecia? Seriously, even his eyebrows are gone!! He looks like he's got AIDS or something.