Question about cabs with 2 different speaker types?


On The Fields Of Life
Jul 12, 2005
Greensburg, PA
I have a cab with 2 V30's and 2 G12T75's in an X pattern, and when I mic up just a sounds different than any other cab I've had with all V30's. I realize each cab is going to sound a bit different, but I'm noticing a greater difference in the cab with the G12T75's, even though I'm close mic'ing just a V30. Has anyone else noticed this?
Mark_Palangio said:
I have a cab with 2 V30's and 2 G12T75's in an X pattern, and when I mic up just a sounds different than any other cab I've had with all V30's. I realize each cab is going to sound a bit different, but I'm noticing a greater difference in the cab with the G12T75's, even though I'm close mic'ing just a V30. Has anyone else noticed this?

which speaker do you prefer the sound of mic'd up? And also, can you post clips of the difference if you have 2 cabs handy? What is this difference? Bad or Good? Why?
maybe it's just the fact that it's a different cab with a different V30.

there's only one way to tell, pull the G12Ts and load it all V30s and track again...

IMO, the G12Ts are altering the tone
kev said:
which speaker do you prefer the sound of mic'd up? And also, can you post clips of the difference if you have 2 cabs handy? What is this difference? Bad or Good? Why?

I like the V30's for recording, I only have one cab now, but I just sold one. It just seems that the all V30 cabs record better, they sound more powerful and crisp, the cab with 75's seems to record kind of dull?