Question about growling: Making the Sound with the diaphragm?

Jun 23, 2004
Hello guys,
I used to growl/scream a while but I mostly use my throat which sounds kinda "gollum like", i think....

I heard many people say to use your diaphragm to make the sound instead of using your throat. But how can this be done? I use the diaphragm for breathing when I sing, but how can I let the sound come from there?
It just takes practice. I would think if you breathe from your stomach singing it would work for you growling also. Really, you're pushing air from your diaphragm, so you shouldn't be feeling a scratchy pain in your throat like you would otherwise. You'll also feel it in your stomach, the muscles contract, I think that's the right word. You can change the type of sound a lot just with your mouth. For example, shape your mouth into a really small "o" to get a really windy growl sound.
Barking pumpkin has it-you just have to practice.

I could not do it at first, but now I can do the deep growls with the diaphram without stressing the throat at all. You just have break your old ways and learn to use the new ones..

It's well worth the time-if done right, you can be growling years and years from now.
I don't know a huge amount about growling, but if you feel any pain at all, then I'd definetely suggest changing your technique. When I do it, which is mainly for singing along or just in the shower etc., I try and close up my throat, which doesn't hurt it. Other than that, just really push your diaphram out to get a powerful sound. Also, I tend to tense up my bottom jaw. Enjoy...