question about music editing, regarding base

the phoenix

Mar 25, 2004
Hey y'all, I'm hoping someone can give me a hand here. I really don't know much about computers or music editing software, so sorry if this might be obvious. I recorded some music with pretty unsophisticated tools, low production quality, and I worked around the distortion, worked it into the music real nice. However if you play back the songs with the bass too high then it doesn't sound too good at all. On most audio devices I've tried it's actually best to turn the base as low as possible.. So I'm wondering if I can download some kind of program to give my songs less bass? Also, if this is possible, I'm wondering what exactly happens if someone then would play back the songs with the bass turned up? Would it sound the same as without bass? Heh, obviously I am not clear on the dynamics involved.

Thanks in advance.
Oh good tip on the spelling. I hate technology and all the freaking terminologies. *grumbles*

Unfortunately I made the songs a long time ago and no longer have them in any program.

I am just assuming that if it is possible to turn a knob to reduce bass as you listen, it is also possible to press some computer keys to reduce the bass permanently?

Thanks a lot for your quick help, I really appreciate it. I'm eager to start promoting the music. :)
Actually now that I'm Googling with the correct spelling I'm getting some pretty decent results.

le sigh
I am just assuming that if it is possible to turn a knob to reduce bass as you listen, it is also possible to press some computer keys to reduce the bass permanently?

I can't claim any huge degree of experience or technical knowledge, but EQing entire songs is usually a bad idea.
yeah it is a bad idea. You wont to do them individually ( the tracks). A very simple song can sound good if the instruments are put into the right frequencies in the mix. It does alot, and isnt even that hard
Why is it a bad idea to EQ the entire song? Considering that when I turn the bass down on my speakers, it is a good thing for the entire song. If I can turn a knob to do it, can't a program do it too?
It'll sound bad and unnatural and ugly. If I were you I would just rerecord the songs, if possible.
But, is it impossible to do to a song what turning the bass knob down does? It seems to me it would surely be possible. However if not it wouldn't be the first time that I'm amazed by the stupidity of computers.
The best thing to do is to prob run your bass through a DI box. re-record what you did. If the bass is too loud though on the bounce then it is safe to say that the actual channel the bass was recorded on is way too hot and clipping. Rolling off the bass in the lows is prob the best thing to do as well. Subtract around 31 hz. Also check the master channel as well to make sure thats not clipping as well or use a compressor to try and balance it out a little smoother..

P.s. Make sure that the bass is MONO only. Center channel, do not pan two bass tracks...