Question about musicians on tour

This is the wierdest thread.
Imagine, you spend your time writing music together with a bunch of people with similar dreams and desires and then together you decide to go on tour and play music you love to people who have bought (or downloaded) your music - and who have then paid to see you play it live in front of them. Life is hard. What????????????
Now, I'll tell you my experience. When I am in the rehearsal rooms playing and writing music, I am not all there. If I feel something special for the song that I am in the midst of then I am wishing it was being shared. When it is being played live in front of some fellow human beings (kindred spirits) then to me that it is right.
The absolute hardest part of being in a band for me is the "doing fucking nothing" bit. It is a massive sacrifice sometimes, but when you are on the road then it makes all the hardship worthwhile.
I know it seems that Dunc aint keen about touring no more, but he's done it quite a lot and he had to go on the road when the feeling was no longer right for him. In this case I understand that it is difficult.
BUT, I can remember Dunc being on tour and laughing till he cried, on so many occasions.
C'mon Dora. Are you joking?
Dora said:
Well I get sick for 2 days after a glass of beer, maybe thats why I cant imagine it
Okay. So don't drink it.

Dora said:
Its not like you give a damn about it
In this case, Dora you are absolutely right to question these people. Any band that does this is false and must give up. They are ripping people off.

I think I might be taking this too seriously
hey, thanks for taking it seriously, I was really interested in it.. thats why I asked. I also think that it can be very different for several people. So I dont want to place judgement on them, I wanna know how it feels like. Especially I'm curious about song and music styles in which there is much emotion. Because average show business thing may be easier to play, I mean if its about a pop or dance song then it doesnt matter so much what the interpreter feels, he must be a good player and thats all. But some Anathema/Antimatter and lot of darkwave and melodic songs depend on the feeling more.. they can be disappointing, shit or ridiculous if they sound fake. Hm?
Another thing that confused me is when I see bands that are pushed to play their 15 year-old hitsong every night. And all those in the gothic scene: when 99% of songs are about the deepest hell and pain and sorrow - I know how to be depressed for ages but if I should live that through 2-3 hours a day for 3 months, that would cure me for a life :)
I was also thinking about such questions like.. if you wrote a love song about a girl, then do you think about her while playing? and whats when you play it for the 10000th time in the 8th year? -- how do artist interpret their outdated songs?
discouraged1 said:
aaaaahh comeonzzz, just drop it. of coarz it bores you to death. just like these questions of yourz.

ah, nothing can be more exciting than some bored people answering the most boring questions about boredom! :zzz:
TV2 has this 20 year old hit song they have to play constantly, they alwaays introduce it with sth like "Well of course we couldn't dream of leaving you without playing our very favourite son, almost" followed by Steffen Brandt trade mark smirk. And then they mix popsong medleys into some of their older tracks.