Question about optimal levels in VCC


Jan 12, 2009
Stockholm, Sweden
Hi, I have a question regarding what levels to feed VCC in its default state and while I know to use my ears to judge I was interested in whether my understanding of how it's calibrated is right. I searched around a lot for something that would be similar to my "issue" and while I've learned a lot from it I thought I'd ask specifically here as well.

I've read that feeding VCC something that sits at around -18 rms level should basically have the VU meter in VCC hover around 0 with the default calibration but when I do this with some pink noise that has an rms level of -18 and peak levels of -6 I find that it hovers around +3 on the VU meter.

Again, I could always trim the signal going in but I was curious as to why it seems off and since it's probably a user error I'd be a learning experience to know why.

Thanks in advance :)
Yes, -18 dBFS (FS as in Full Scale which is the full digital scale, not RMS which is "root mean square", a way to measure the average loudness ) is the right level that should go into VCC (or any other analog modelled plugin). The proper way would be to use a 1 KHz sine wave which should read 0 dBVU on the VCC meter if it's running at -18 dBFS.
Pink noise is pretty random in level and frequency and will not give you a constant meter reading. Try the single frequency and constant level sine wave and you will see 0 dBVU in VCC.
In the real world, you'll probably will not deal with sine waves too much and therefore I would calibrate the level (using a Trim or Gain plugin before VCC for example) by simply looking at the VCC meter and adjusting the level until it reads something around 0 dBVU.
Hope that helps.
The VCC also has adjustable sensitivity and clipping threshold controls, so it's not going to be a perfect 1:1 -18dbfs = 0 on the VCC meter. But generally speaking, if you DAW is reading -18dbfs, it should come up around there, give or take, on the VCC, which has been my experience. Except on the master bus, obviously.
Fantastic, thanks for the answers guys! Informative as all hell! This was something that I had trouble wrapping my head around but now I get it :)!
The way I gain stage through VCC Channel is by adjusting to get 0 dB on the VCC meter.

Interesting that Slate says when he goes through the mix buss he "pins the meters on the Brit 4K" VCC Buss.
Volume is sufficiently high that the meter stays at the maximum position.