Question About Politics Of Ecstasy Song(s) (42147 Or Lost)....


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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I was listening to P.O.E. the other night and stumbled upon something. I can't remember which song it was, either LOST or 42147, but during the song their is a "break" in which a male voice says something like, "L.S.D. is a powerful drug, and should be used by....?????" I couldn't make out the rest of what was said. If anyone knows what is said, and during which song (I can't think of it because I took 4 Xanax and drank a few Coors Light), either Lost or 42147, please let me know. Thanks and Cheers.
It was during LOST but I have no idea what the rest of what he is saying is.
yeah it's in lost...i don't know all of it but i think i can make out some of it

the first line: LSD is a powerful drug that is definitely not pestilent
don't know the second..sounds like "taking lsd is..."
3rd: LSD is a powerful drug that is definitely recommended for people with established mental problems
don't know the 4th

i wanna know the rest