Question about tremolos...


Aug 17, 2005
Ok first of all I know little about guitars, but I was wondering if I can get a tremolo installed onto my guitar. The site below has floyd rose below for around 80 bucks. Is it possible to find someone to install that on a guitar without a tremolo? How much do you think it would cost?

EDIT: Ok wait do I need to buy this...
What do I need exactly?
ok first off id recomend not doing this opperation at all because its very difficult, time consuming and can ruin a perfectly good instrument. If you have a les paul dont do this because of the odd neck angle on the guitar and the floyd will never mount correctly. so first off your gonna need to drill a huge hole in your guitar to fit the fucker, then another one in the back to mount the float springs and sodder your groundwire to the spring holder. then you have to mount the trem stop screws by drilling 2 half inch holes into your guitar. next you will need to install the locling nuts over your orignal nut by removing it, drill holdes for the screws for the locking nuts and your almost done, then construct the floyd by attatching the springs and then string it by putting a book under the floyd so it sits level and has no tension and if its your first floyd your going to scream and want to break your guitar and give up on life completley while tuning and getting the floyd to sit level. on another note the guitar your installing the floyd on may not have a suitable neck for the task as floyd rose keep the strings in a flat poistioning not an arch like stopbars. so if your neck has a major curve to the fingerboard your strings will never action out correctly and then you'll need a new neck running about 200$ (min for a pos rosewood 22 fret dot inlay) so if you have the drills and tools needed, keep in mind this is wood not paper and you cant erase mistakes so be very careful, my advice is have a professional luthier with experiance to do this for you which will aslo set you back 300-500$ depending on the difficulty of the job so good luck and hope that was helpful
I would reccomend just getting another guitar with one that's designed to have it. Getting one installed will be really time consuming and probably pretty exspensive and it might make your current guitar kind of shitty. but then again, what is your current guitar?
not to mention those tremelos that you linked to are super cheapo, i wouldn't recommend them to anyone. its not worth going cheap just to have a tremelo.
^You kidding? An OFR is a perfectly good tremolo, even if there are better ones around.

On topic> It will be more expensive than buying a guitar with a tremolo already installed, surely. The work you have do...wah, it gives me the chills just to think about it.
I called picker's exchange and he told me what he would have to do and I just don't think it's worth it. I need a guitar without a tremolo anyway, I'm just gonna get new pickups on it. Does anyone have suggestions on good pickups? Im thinking about getting emg 81 and emg 85 humbuckers...
^they kickass, though some think they sound sterile. Well, they do, in a certain way. Just don't do the way everyone does(81 bridge/85 neck), the 81 is too trebly for the bridge and the 85 is too bassy for the neck. Doing it the other way round seems to be much better imo.
BloodyScalpel said:
^You kidding? An OFR is a perfectly good tremolo, even if there are better ones around.

On topic> It will be more expensive than buying a guitar with a tremolo already installed, surely. The work you have do...wah, it gives me the chills just to think about it.
those are not OFR's. they are TRS's and licensed by's. that equates to extremely low quality. an OFR would run you about 170 dollars or so from that same store.

ok edit: i just looked at the second link haha, i saw the first link and nearly puked.