Question about V


Aug 5, 2002
Western PA, USA
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Am I hearing things incorrectly, or are the vocals on V too low in the mix? I thought this about a 2 years ago when I first got it after listening to it about 3 times, then I lost the disk. I just found it yesterday and threw it in and it just seems like the vocals are very low, almost muffled in the mix. I will listen to it again today on my car stereo to see if there is a difference.

Any opinions?
Nah, I haven't noticed anything along those lines. I haven't had any problem with SX's producing except for on "Oddysey" because you can't really hear the bass as well as you could on other albums.
I thought this was a question about
Originally posted by scanner313
Am I hearing things incorrectly, or are the vocals on V too low in the mix? I thought this about a 2 years ago when I first got it after listening to it about 3 times, then I lost the disk. I just found it yesterday and threw it in and it just seems like the vocals are very low, almost muffled in the mix. I will listen to it again today on my car stereo to see if there is a difference.

Any opinions?
Something must have happened to the disk while it was lost! ;)
I honestly don't think the vocals are too low in the mix, maybe it's because the instruments are more up front this time?comparing V with TIO you'll notice that the guitars are more dragged maybe that's why you think the vocals are too low in the mix. Btw on what songs do you think the vocals are a little low?
Originally posted by Demonspell
I don't think the vocals on V are low in the mix...but this may be because the sheer force of the vocals on tracks like Egypt, Fool's Paradise, Fallen, Rediscovery...the whole fucking album...overcome any technical difficulty...
Ooohh, Yeah!! :grin:
But , vocals are recorded a little bit low.