Question for Øystein

Astral Poetry

"Eros! Your hand...!"
Mar 21, 2003
"'s missing!"
I was curious as to what kind of guitar you use during recording as well as what you have it tuned to. Also, what effects do you use to get your sound so perfect? Thanks
Charubic Murder said:
I was curious as to what kind of guitar you use during recording as well as what you have it tuned to. Also, what effects do you use to get your sound so perfect? Thanks

For all the Bork recordings I have used my "beloved" Gibson Les Paus Studio. Some times I use my Ibanez guitar as well but that's rather seldom. I always tune my guitar in normal E.
As for amps I have used various equipment throughout the years. For the recording sesson of the new album I have (so far) used Marshall JMP-1 and Mesa Boogie Triaxis, together. Sounds killer!

Take care,
