Question for all the Borknagar members

Here we go:

Hammond B3 with a leslie case
Steinway grand piano
Alesis QS6
EMU ESI4000 digital sampler
A fat, red POD
Korg Prophecy
A set of Yamaha analog keys (don't recall the name of it...sorry!)

That's all I could think of right now. I'll post again later if I remember more.

Neuser Courage 6 string custom fretted bass
Ibanez Gary Willis signature 5 string fretless bass


Focusrite Green tube preamp
HHB Fat Man 2 Tube compressor
AMB Tube-Buffered Direct Injection Box (DI)
Monster Cable

ööööööööhhhhhhh......I don't remember the microphone brand I used, remember boosting my vocal chords with Orange juice, water, beer, coffe......I don't know if it's gear?..hehehehe

mr V
@ Bleed for me:

Well , Lars K. Nordberg of Spiral Architect was so kind as to let me borrow his , I don't own one myself. But yes , very nice instrument.

@ ChromeLife:

We're working on it , it will take some time , but we hope to be adding both guitar and bass tabs on the site as soon as it is launched.

Since the members of Borknagar seem to read this post I would take the opportunity to beg for a concert near Stockholm soon. You rule!
I'm a fan of Whiskey, but I like to drink it properly, relaxed sipping, and of course I only drink real whiskey, Irish and scotish, don't like Jack "burbon" Daniels types, which as stated isn't whiskey.

mr V
Originally posted by Vintersorg
I'm a fan of Whiskey, but I like to drink it properly, relaxed sipping, and of course I only drink real whiskey, Irish and scotish, don't like Jack "burbon" Daniels types, which as stated isn't whiskey.

mr V

ufff... it's summer... sun, unbearable heat... don't talk about Whiskey before autumn. yeah, COLD BEER it's summer's refreshing drink:D
Originally posted by TheRealLazare
A set of Yamaha analog keys (don't recall the name of it...sorry!)

:lol: lars is the same like every keyboardist;)
A - Meta Ta Fysika L - Drama??? Mr. V: your voice in this song is... amazing, magnificent etc.:D
Glad that you like the voice, it was just inspiration on that song, no calculation whatever...

Jameson is good, but my sense are still in the Borknagar field, the whiskey "Creation of the elements" are just what a north man needs, right Lazare and Öystein?

mr V