Question for Aussies

Originally posted by TravestyOfMan

I live in the Latrobe Valley in Victoria, so that probably pretty close to crazy cow country :) Nah seriously, it's not bad down

Wow dude. I grew up in Maffra! Where abouts in Latrobe Valley are you? I'm in Melbourne now and have been for 4 years (Uni...). Anyway, I guess the place in Flinders Lane is the one you were talking about before. I haven't been there in ages but it's were I got 'Morningrise'.

And fuck it, I forgot 3 hours of Power tonight...
Originally posted by brightoffski

Yes, I have written the name on a yellow post-it note to rectify the problem when I next go in. Hopefully the situation will improve. :err:

Haven't I seen you somewhere before?
There seem to be so many Australians on this forum. If Opeth really do tour early next year it'd be cool if we all met up and organised some kind of excursion to the concert. Then we could go and drink somewhere....

Just an idea cause there seems to be a semi-community of Aussie Opeth fans around here...;)
Originally posted by requiem
Wow dude. I grew up in Maffra! Where abouts in Latrobe Valley are you? I'm in Melbourne now and have been for 4 years (Uni...).

I'm stuck in power station country, over in Morwell. Lived here all my life and while it's not paradise, it's home. I know a lot of friends who've gone to Uni in Melbourne. I'm studying at Monash Uni over in Churchill, and I really like it. No match for the Melbourne Unis, but hey, whatca 'gonna do? ;)
Yeah, those power stations are fucked. Fortunately I grew up a bit further out so it's all clear skies where I come from. In the city you can't even see the stars at all, so I'd probably rather be in Morwell.