Originally posted by DisTortorous
You see, that is the beauty. When Opeth can take some scales and keys that typically do NOT work together, then they make it sound as if it were nothing, that is the charisma of this music.
As for the setter of this thread, who said progressions needed to be part of the music? And what's more, who cares about the riffs, there are better components to the music than to worry about some small riff.
Originally posted by ControlledChaos
opeth does not modulate. They play a lot of nonrelated chords and have very elementary tonal chord progressions like:
i III iv i
In any event, real modulation is not found in a lot of music other than classical, which is the epitomy of musical skill and genius in most cases. Mozart and Beethoven and Rachmaninoff and Saint-Saens modulate. It is harder than it sounds.
Originally posted by Misanthrope
You forgot and overlooked jazz.
Originally posted by Of My Darkest Hour
I've been playing for one year...I can;t read music, i don't undersand theory, I don't care. I learn opeth songs and pradctice them up to speed and have fun!!!! It's all that its about man...for me at least
Originally posted by DisTortorous
I mean that by taking the music apart in the fashion that some people do here is overwhelming, you don't need to think SO hard about it!
You need to just listen to music, to play it. If you're writing jazz or classical maybe then theory is quite important but with good old heavy metal? That's about having fun man...yeah...
Originally posted by Moonlapse
I get what you're coming at... but even in metal, more often than not, everything comes from somewhere. There is almost always a reason why whatever you hear is there... and I'm very interested in knowing what that is... so please people, talk on, I'm still listening