Question for Dave


Jun 26, 2006
I'm a big fan of writing my own music, and I'm just curious how you go about writing Woods songs, and if you have much music education. Some people, like Mikael from Opeth simply say they play guitar to write songs, and Mikael has said when he picks up a guitar, thats all he's trying to do, is write songs. Me for example, I just generally fool around until I come up with something I like, then will try to base an entire song off that idea, even if its simply a four bar intro riff. I'm always interested in how bands go about writing their music, so maybe you could offer some insight. Also, did you write all the music for Woods III, or did Dan and Jessica get in on some too? Thanks :headbang:
I don't have any music education. I'm basically self taught on drums, guitar, vocals and writing songs. I did however have the luxury of taking the "Intro to Guitar" class in my senior year at my high school (when I was otherwise still 100% 'a drummer'), where I learned the basic chords (that are still commonly used in most folk metal, Agalloch, Woods etc...). Back then, I never thought of myself as a guitar plater. At the time I simply thought this into the guitar class was a good alternative to earning my one mandatory "arts" credit, instead of taking the grade 9 visual art class where I would have wanted to make "Sull Art" exclusively. It wasn't until University that I really did some serious "Wood Shedding" and seriously got into (neglecting my studies and) learning the guitar and developing the basics of the "WoY" sound.

I tend to write a lot of riffs / arrangements together in shorter periods of inspired time, and then maybe not anything for a while while I focus on something else (drums, lyrics, etc...). Basically, I have to commit myself to get into a creative riff writing mode within a 'theme' (what sound or emotion I'm trying to achieve). For instance, when Woods 3 is totally completed, I'll just be writing and collecting riffs to arrange for Woods 4 probably all spring and summer and then start to get serious on completing some of them in the fall. In that time I'll do other things to get inspired within that theme that might include listening to a specific genre of music, going camping / being outside, getting tanked, maybe reading a books of a related theme, etc... Getting inspired and writing new songs is so much more than just sitting down with the guitar for me. The songs are the inspired sound of everything else you do in your life at the time that you write it being channelled through the guitar.

For Woods 3, I came to Dan and Jessica with a total of 15 song skeletons (basic riff arrangements) and from there, Dan and I set the optimized pace for each song and built the click-tracks. The next step was recording drums over the click-tracks and scratch guitars. Next, Dan recorded me doing ALL the guitars. Next was keys, with Jessica playing a combination of mostly chords with string sounds and then leads with piano sounds. Vocals were next. Dan then tracks the bass dead last after the vocals are done so he can be carefull not to step on any of the vocal hooks and instead fit in his fills in the 'gaps' (where's there's room in the mix). Both Dan and Jessica have added some really N-ice parts!

Woods IV will be the first real collaborate effort for Woods of Ypres, where the 5 of us will be making contributions and writing together in 'real time' in the jamspace. In fact, we have already begun and even have a few songs / arrangements complete in this 'new' style that we've banged out at rehearsal.

I have chosen to spend so much of my time writing songs, there's so much more I could say about it really. We're always learning new ways to write, to be creative more efficiently, to deliver the messages clearer and more effectively, etc...
Wow, I found that really interesting and cool, and that idea of trying to get inspired by things, even completely music unrelated is something I think is awesome, and should try more I think. Thanks :)

Edit: Hey Dave, mind checking out the beginning of a song I have written here: If not its cool, its just very WoY, Agalloch etc. inspiried, while keeping a feel of my own (at least I think) Would just be curious of your thoughts.
i heard your stuff, good job dude. which kid are you? i finally have a definate band together. so were going to begin writing this week. once we have some songs recorded ill show them to every1. also dauden, when i write songs, i tend to just sit down with a cup of tea lol and my guitar in my room, and just think of what kind of style i want to write. i usually start with acoustic intros then go into a heavy part. then i allways have a climax and a outro.
^ Glad you guys like :) And I'm Brodie (the kid on the myspace wearing the Behemoth shirt with the goofy salute :p)
^ Haha, my hair is a lot longer then that now, it was in the summer at SYL, it was also really windy, so it flattened it out, its normally quite curlier. Curly hair FTW (they don't lie when they say it gets chicks... its actually kinda scary)