Question for guitar freaks!



I'm ready to buy a guitar multi effect but haven't decided yet on what I should buy. I need a quite good one, not extremely complex to deal with and with the heavier sound I can get. I really find it difficult to decide between the following :

Digitech RP 200
Digitech RP 300
Digitech RP2000
Boss ME 33
Boss ME 8

I know that Digitech RP2000 and Boss ME 8 are older models but it seems to me that they have more effects than the newer ones that I'm writing above...I want to add that I've already checked Boss GT6 which seems one of the best in the market but it has so many parameters and choices that i think it is too difficult for me to handle....
I had a digitech, and it tore up. I know have a ZOOM 10/10, i use it along with all my single peddels, i lik ethe sound i can get from everything mixed in. It took a while for me to set it all up, you know, the settings, and the order the pedals are staged.
The Boss GT-6 is probably the best out there for the money.
It has alot of preset's that you can tweek to your own sound + has a digital out (coxial) for PC recording .
Try one out , it will take a day or 2 to figure it out ( I sound like a Boss salesman ,shit)
a couple of years???? LOL

I really think it is really difficult to handle...there are so many effects and things to set for every sound that u wanna make...

Moreover the preset sounds are not good for metal and all need improvement...while the Digitech ones have better "ready" sounds...
I think I will go for a Boss but not the GT 6 one...I'll try a smaller and easier one...
how about trying to listen to the DNB if all the guitar effects were missing??
half of the color of the album would be gone...
Originally posted by Trapped
Effects.... Bah.

Learn to play your instrument properly, and you wont need effects.
I played for yrs before i got my first pedal. It gave me more sounds....which made me play better, and more creative.
I love my effects
Well, in any case, single effects pedals almost always sound better than that multi-effects crap...

That is true but you'll go broke trying to buy everything that is included in these all in one units.

If you are going to go with a Boss, I wouldn't go with the cheaper one. I've got the COSM modeling in the BR-8 and you'll want every parameter they offer to get a good sound. It's going to be a bitch to figure out anyway. Have you looked into the Line 6 POD. I prefer the sounds you get out of the POD over the Boss COSM sounds. I know nothing about Digitech.
I have a ZOOM 8080
in se it's not a bad effectunit but when I play it loud it sounds too digital.
it also takes away a lot of my output/power. + when I switch patches it takes half a second or so to get the new sound..can be irritating.

I'd love to buy a new one in racktype...most people advise me Roctron(sp.?) but digitech is interesting too I think.

dude, if you want killer distortion that racks the balls offa anything on the market, try a 19" piece from Rocktron, called Progap Ultra... don´t mistake it with the Ultra 2, thats a piece of shit... try the Ultra, and you´ll be more than happy.... it´s vicious!
Originally posted by Li'l Witch
I have a ZOOM 8080
in se it's not a bad effectunit but when I play it loud it sounds too digital.
it also takes away a lot of my output/power. + when I switch patches it takes half a second or so to get the new sound..can be irritating.

I'd love to buy a new one in racktype...most people advise me Roctron(sp.?) but digitech is interesting too I think.


I dont have that trouble with my ZOOM 1010.
But, the only way i get good sounds incorparateing my board with my singles is: My boss compress/sus, then to my Carybaby WAH, then to the board, then my big muff, then my power on/off, then my Boss volumn pedal. ANy other line up, or change in sequece fucks the sound up bad.
Dudes,I`m 36 years old and I`ve been playing for 20 years and
I`ll never be able to play like Jeff Loomis! But even tho I sound
like shit I guess the whole point is to have fun right?I`ve got an
old piece of shit Peavey ProFex II going thru an old piece of shit
MosValve power amp and it still seems to blow the walls down!
The ProFex has a lot of cool factory presets as well as your own.
Not sure if they make those any more.
I've got a Zoom 505 and the 510, and although cheap and kinda digital sounding, they have some pretty cool shit in 'em.

You just gotta be willing to work with it.
I also use a Boss EQ and a Noise Gate to clean it all up.
That stuff is for my cheap Laney HC25, but when I use my big Laney, I just use the EQ, the Noise Gate, and occasionally a Boss Metal Zone. Lot's of time though, the Laney supplies more than enough distortion w/o any pedals.
The noise gate and eq work wonders!
Yeah, thats it with the have to fuck with them, but you can get good sounds,,,,at least out of the 1010, thats the only ZOOM im familiar with for a guitar.

My old bass player has had 2 different zooms for his bass..and i dont like them at all........or at least, he couldnt make them work well
I'd get a POD XT but I don't have the money, and the footswitch costs almost as much as the damn thing itself.

*wishes he had enough money to build a rack effects system*