question for henkka

It is true. But, I guess we have no choice...
This was really hard especially for Alexi, he was soooo pissssed...
But, now he gets almost identical (outfit, mechanics) guitars as RR, only difference seems to be the logo..
Basses are great with esp, that is for sure..
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Oh stop bitchin about the damn brand! They're all fucking guitars. The brand becomes irrelevant in light of what an artist manages to DO with it.

The gaytarrist of Linkin Park could play a Jackson. IT's still gonna sound like shit!!
Children of Bodom take guitar playing to a whole new level with their talent.. They'd do beautiful things even if it's an ESP.. to the point where the vast majority of people won't be able to tell a difference if not everybody.

And if you guitar experts are so good at judging guitars like this how come I always see questions to a band about 'what gear they use' coming from guitar player fans? What. You can't tell what guitar brand it is just listening to the music?? oohh no!
MagSec, we never said the opposite of that.

Getting used to something material is part of how we human beings work, so unless alexi is a god in a way other than most hardcore fans define him, he is related to his guitar and by that is used to playing on it, period.

If you'd give him the worst esp ever he could still get tunes, just because he can, its just less comfortable and familiar.

Any good guitarist can handle any guitar, I dont see Alexi cancelling shows cuz of having to deal with ESPs...

There you have it.

Originally posted by Henkka Blacksmith
It is true. But, I guess we have no choice...
This was really hard especially for Alexi, he was soooo pissssed...
But, now he gets almost identical (outfit, mechanics) guitars as RR, only difference seems to be the logo..
Basses are great with esp, that is for sure..

but it's forever or during this tour you will change again?!?!?!
Originally posted by Stun
Lol yeah when I think of Ibanez I think of Korn and other shitty bands.

Ugh. I always hate when I someone say something ignorant like this. It's a shame you think that way. I guess Vai, Satriani, Gilbert, Metheny, Scofield are all shitty musicians as well.. :rolleyes: