Question for Jasun


Nov 20, 2003
London Uk
Any plans for the future of doing something simliar to the solo Nightpulse album.
I will do my best to travel over from London to see you guys play at the headfest In Holland
Hey Spatch, thanks for the question..

I have actually tracked another 6 songs already for the next part of Night's Pulse. Only Troy has to do his Bass tracks. Troy has had tendonitis for 7 years now. His arms have been giving him alot of trouble in the last 7 months. He went to see a specialist in Nashville TN. and he feels his tendons are a little stronger. I can't imagine playing with a different Bass player and I pray everyday he'll get better. Troy will get it done eventually, I want my brother on the recordings. All I can say is I really dig the material I did on this next set of tunes and i'm very excited to have everyone hear it.

YOU RULE MAN and hope to see you at Headway.

I have all the best wishes for Troy and hope deeply and truly he progresses towards the positive with his Tendonitis. It would be a tragedy otherwise! Best wishes to all the guys.
Thanks for the infomation, sorry to hear about Troy, having suffered from Tendonitis myself I understand how painfull and limiting this is. Also could not imagine Troy not on cd. I look forward to hearing it sometime in the future.
You rule and Troy Rules
Hey Jasun, this is your old friend, Sue from NJ. (I wrote your bio!) It's great to see all of the feedback you're getting, and I'm glad to see you're doing a follow-up to Night's Pulse. All the best to Troy...I hope the treatment goes well. Ron Jarzombek of Watchtower/Spastik Ink had chronic tendonitis but is apparently completely healed, and playing like a madman so apparently it can be treated successfully. Let's catch up on things sometime - my contact info is in my profile! Be well and hope to talk to you soon.