Question for Lord Tim

Spruce Goose

Then Goose me up woman!
Apr 17, 2001
ok..... During Lost in the Light, at about the 1 minute 46 second mark. you let rip one of the most awesome screams I have ever heard. I love it. It changes pitch about three times and is long and crystal clear....

Did you do this in one take, or composite several takes together?? And did you use a pitch shifter or anything like that at all??

Sounds bloody tops mate!!

I can scream high pitched no worries...... I can hit the same note that you hit at the end of that scream, but my problem is shifting between the lower screams and the higher ones.... it doesnt sound smooth like when you do it.

I dont think I explained myself well. I can switch between low and high pitched screams, but I cant switch between singing normally, and then break into a high pitched scream.

What do you do?
I believe it all rests in the hands of the other Dungeon band members. Tim will start a scream and then the other guys will squeeze his nuts and each time one of them does the pitch of the scream increases proportionally to the amount they squeeze. It's a very exact science.

HAHAHAHAHA! Hey, you peeked during the sessions! HAHAHAHA!

It certainly was NOT done in one take! HAHA! It took about 3 or 4 goes until I could do the note as cleanly as I would have liked but I got it in the end... and then nearly passed out! I actually bruised a rib singing that!

The big killer is that there's a higher harmony over the top of the 2nd half of it that's even harder to do! Thank fuck it was only over half of it! Argh!

There was nearly ANOTHER higher harmony on top of that but that *did* sound like a harmoniser so we took it off. So for the record, there's absolutely NO vocal harmonisers on the album at all - everything you hear was done for real! :)

We did, however use Antares Autotune to lock in some of the backing vocals a little tighter, but that's the extent of any pitch changing we did...

Oh, also - that was done in full voice too, meaning I didn't go into falsetto (you know that girly voice) at all - that's where a lot of people have trouble changing from their chest voice into their head voice... On a good day (and that was a GREAT day!), my chest voice extends to the highest note I can sing so I don't really have to worry about it "changing" when it goes from one to another...

(BTW: That's one of my fav' bits of the album - it always makes me grin like an idiot when I listen to it, even now! :grin: )
I still can't remember which song Lost In The Light is. Wait, it's the one that goes "We are lost in the light", yeah? That's all I can remember of that song. Might be time to dig out the CD again. :)
One of your favorite parts from the album??

It is my absolute favorite part of the album. I listened to that song in the car on the way home from work...... I replayed that scream about 5 or 6 times trying to emulate it. I didn't really come close. The thing that fucks me up when I try to sing it is I run out of breath.......
You must have a shitload of breath to sing: We've got to fighhhhtttt............. .........................................................................YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH.!!! :rock:

I love it. It fuckin rocks. Well done Tim. That scream is up there with the all time greats. I rate it up ther with Matt Barlows 'OOOHHHHH WONT YOU LET ME DIE' from A Question of Heaven.
I rate it right up there with Sydo's "AAAAARRRGGGHHHHH!!!! You spilt my beer!!!!" from last night.
you know , i do the harmonies for that part clearly on the guitar with the harmonics , and you couldn't tell the difference lol :lol:

yeah , that was the first thing i comented about when i heard the samples before the album was out . it freaked me out too lol ....

but since he doesn't attempt none of the live it didn't worry me if he will take the chance and do it every time , but i was hoping that at least one of the them does it with the guitar , cause i admit , it's a fucking bitch to get , some of my mates who are so much into the high end top end vocals coudln't do iw without going into the face voice part of it , it just didn't sound the same at all .... but yeah ..

tim . you think you could throw in a big guitar squeel instead of the vocals live :D ..... PLLLLEEEAAAAASSSSSEEEEEEE it just makes the whole thing sound HUGE , ...............

and i must say , asaid of being a guitar teatcher , you should teach vocals man , cause your breathing tech seems to allow maximum power with your vocals ...... NNNEAAATTTTTTTT ... :rock:
I've given vocal coaching to a few people (including the guys in the band) and I *sort of* know what I'm talking about, but I really don't feel like I could teach enough to warrant charging money for it! HAHA!

Guitar lessons are different - I *know* I'm a good guitar teacher, but vocals are a different thing entirely..

Nawar: I tried the LITL scream a few times live and it kinda worked but I really have to be in top form on the night to even attempt it or I either hurt myself or it just sounds totally stupid! Maybe I'll try the harmonic thing, though - that was the original idea before we tried the vocal thing...
Tim, if you end up getting the tattoo I think you should get "My Honour Is My Life - it's from Dragonlance" tattooed in brackets underneath it so people don't keep asking. :)