A question for Matt


Apr 22, 2011
Hey, I was just wondering- In "Laying The Demon To Rest" you do a very high pitched Vocal scream, and I was wondering about how you did that. I mean, is it a natural thing that you can just do, or did you have to really practice hitting high notes in a certain way?
Yeah, that's kind of what I figured, but I wasn't sure so I wanted to ask him. Since I am in a band that a few of my friends and I started I am trying to learn as much as I can about vocals and keyboards. Thanks for the answer, but I just wanted Matt to answer, since I am only 15 and I don't know if I have the ability to hit those notes yet.
Hey DN, welcome to the Theocracy forums! Glad to you have. Also, Ryan is now no longer our youngest poster :loco:

Just wanted to let you know that the band is hard at work on the new album and haven't been frequenting the forums lately, so you might want to lower your expectations about getting a personal answer.

While we'd all love them to be around a lot in threads like this, I'm sure we all prefer new music much more :headbang:
Yeah, I know- but as long as its up here there's a chance of him answering. I didn't expect a fast answer, nor an answer at all. I just was curious, so I posted this- I could wait months for an answer, and I'm fine with that! and thanks :)
Hey man... Yup... What Seastorm said. Now I'm NOT the youngest here :p.

Welcome to the boards man!

And yeah those screams are pretty intense. I've attempted... I've sounded... like a dying cow...
HAHA lol nevermind everyone, i figured it out- i hit the note, but i had to increase my vocal range a bit. he does it better, of course, but i can go tht high now :D
Since I'm working on my singing more recently, how do practice falsettos? I mean, what do you practice with them?

Practice with scales, going up and down. Concentrating on your breathing, control and pitch.
Well falsetto isnt actual singing. Its a false register, and comes out really weak. What Matt did was really strong, so I think hes practicing in the head register.
I agree--falsetto is weak. Matt was not singing in falsetto. He may use a little bit in Bethlehem, but not usually. Increasing your range is really a matter of teaching your throat to relax instead of tensing up on the high notes. I recommend just singing along with Matt on Absolution Day once a day. It will be painful at first, but your range will be stretched in no time. :)