I have a youtube question for matt and the other members.

I Rock 4 God

Jul 6, 2011
Ames, IA
Hey, I was wondering, would it be okay if I made a video for Alter to the Unknown God like I did for Martyr???? I know you might not want the song on Youtube....:wave:
thanks. do you know a quick way to contact them? The reason I didn't bother with Martyr was because it was already on youtube anyway. :p
thanks. do you know a quick way to contact them? The reason I didn't bother with Martyr was because it was already on youtube anyway. :p

I Googled for "ulterium contact" and the second result gave me "info@ulterium-records.com"

That was too easy to find, something can't be right here... :yow:
Hey, I was wondering, would it be okay if I made a video for Alter to the Unknown God like I did for Martyr???? I know you might not want the song on Youtube....:wave:

I think Ulterium already answered this:

We've posted two full tracks on YouTube, and on top of this there's also samples [30-90 seconds of each song] posted at numerous locations like iTunes, Amazon etc. We feel that this is more than enough for people to make up their mind whether to get the album or not, legally. :)

At this time, they don't want any other tracks from ATWB posted on YouTube, so please don't post it :cool: