A question for Matt

Alright thanks guys! Will practicing falsettos do anything? Should I practice them too? And what about that high spot in a guy's voice where you just can't hit it no matter what and it just cuts off? Is there a way to get rid of that and be able to sing there? Is that what increasing your range is? And how do I practice singing those high notes in Absolution day if that's there? (or my range can't hit that spot?)
Alright thanks guys! Will practicing falsettos do anything? Should I practice them too? And what about that high spot in a guy's voice where you just can't hit it no matter what and it just cuts off? Is there a way to get rid of that and be able to sing there? Is that what increasing your range is? And how do I practice singing those high notes in Absolution day if that's there? (or my range can't hit that spot?)

Ah well, you usually aim for the higher end of your own voice and slowly push upward, but it's a slow process to add a few extra notes to your voice, and you can seriously damage yourself if you keep trying to go to that spot before you're ready, so slow and steady is the way.......young jedi......:)
And link for Nitro, please! I cant find it.



Let's not forget the King. If you think singing falsetto isn't singing, then I challenge anyone to sing this any other way.

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