Question for Shawn/Josh/Jonathan


Jun 24, 2004
Minnesota, USA
So, I've noticed that "Question For Matt" has to be THE most popular thread title on these boards. It's time to hear from the other guys! :cool:

So, "non-Matt"s, what's your musical history? When/how did you learn your instrument and what other bands/groups/situations have you played in? Do you have any non-metal musical influences?
Finally a topic worth responding too. :)

Musically playing instruments, I started in middle school like thousands of other children. Of all instruments I actually played the bassoon. I played it for three years, and actually became quite good at it (even made state two years!). However, I grew sick of playing the bass line every single song and gave it up.

About that time is when I picked up a guitar, but I actually didn't get too serious about guitar until near the end of my high school years. I could only play simple chords like C, G, D, and E for the longest time. It was near the start of 2002 when I actually started practicing and learning other things.

It kind of goes along with my metal interests - as that is when I found Avantasia (as in a store, not as in the founder of the project). The only metal band I listened too was Savatage at the time, as I found everything else ugh. Avantasia really opened my eyes - and it still remains one of the best power metal albums IMO. So that soon led to me practicing guitar a ton as I got more into the genre. How I got with Theocracy is a different story. That's the short story long

Theocracy's actually the only band I've played in. However, I have been working on a solo project for awhile, and hopefully that will be reaching completion soon (university work = :ill: ). It has some hints of metal in it, but wouldn't fit Theocracy's style too much.

Musical influences outside metal: I like the usual stuff from rock to classical. Big influences on my writing have to be Hans Zimmer and Klaus Badelt (Film scores). I feel so many bands focus on the formula of writing a song with the cliches of a genre that they lack melody and substance. By this I mean if you were to listen to just the music of many bands, it would express nothing. A snobby answer I suppose...:Saint:

Bassoon? I always hear from the music majors that bassoon can be pretty difficult to learn, that must have really helped having that as your foundation of music before getting into guitar, even though it's a completely different instrument.
And awesome avatar, I didn't know that there were many other Americans out there who liked X Japan
I didn't find the basics difficult too much, just becoming proficient (even the eighth notes were challenging). I still remember the dreaded Bb fingering...:heh:

I love X Japan. It's insane how big they were yet no one knew about them. :notworthy hide and I actually have the same birthdate of December 13th too.
Yeah,Bb tuning... Bb songs always bug me even on guitar at church on Sunday mornings, adding that to a double reed, yeah I can see why it'd be dreaded.
Yeah I guess they're still pretty big in Japan where people know them, but hardly nobody knows them here, it really is weird because they're awesome.
That's pretty cool to share birthdays with hide, now you just need the crazy pink hair :rock:
It gives me hope to hear people who didn't start playing guitar seriously until they were a bit older. I get frustraited when I meat awesome guitar players that are 16 years old. It just makes me wonder where I'd be as far as skill is concerned if I'd started playing when I was 12.

It's good to know that time isn't the only measure of a good guitar player.