question for steve: nevermore songs you can't play?

so about this: i try to guess who played what on PoE, and you correct me. deal? :goggly: :lol: :rock:

ok, 42147: first lead SCREAMS jeff. the tapping section before the crazy lead also sounds like a jeff idea to me, the crazy lead itself (1:20) could be pat...he's a great player you know....2:30 lead is jeff, 3:10 could be either...the melody sounds like something jeff would do, but the fast stuff afterwards is rather strange sounding....i'd say jeff, though.
wow, never realized that song has so many leads :lol:
lost: first lead jeff, the weird lead before the breakdown section is also crazy enough to be a jeff thing :kickass:
passenger: jeff, the ending lick gives it away
seven tongues: ok this is really tough. sounds like the ending section (4:40) was a seperate take, but for some reason i think this is jeff all the way through...could also be pat, though...the shred lick before the ascending stuff right before it goes into the second take sounds rather pat-ish to my ears.
the learning: jeff all the way?
PoE: pretty insane...probably pat
tiananmen man: i'd say jeff all the way
this sacrament: same thing

the problem is....i'm not too familiar with pat's style. with cannibal corpse he's doing a lot of REAL crazy stuff (especially rhythm...way too much whammy bar noise in his CC leads imho), but i'm not too sure about his melodic playing...if there is any.

Hey Fragle,
I will pull out the PoE record and get back to you....:rock: