Question for Ted, Ed, Doug......


The Cynical Realist
Dec 12, 2002
Tiverton, RI
Visit site
Is there any connection between 'Juggling Knives', and 'Tug of War'?

JK - 'If we get one more drop of water this levee's gonna break'

ToW - 'Just one more drop in the downpour to ignore.'

just curious, because it wasn't mentioned in the liner notes.....:)
Good question Doug could probably aswer this one better since we wrote the lyrics.

Hey these are two differant subjects S to M

Juggling Knives has more to do with trying to juggle too many things and taking on entirely too much or trying to keep up? One more drop of water and the levee will break!

Tug of War is about fighting ones self! and not doing what you need to do? so I think one more drop in the downpour would be one more thing to deal with that does,nt get addressed?

My Take
As with the previous post about a possible link between two lyrics (to which an overwhelming number of people didn't reply as well ;) ), I don't think there is one here either. Like Ed says, two completely different subjects.

Reminds me of Ted saying people thought there was a general theme on the first album because of the song Oasis and another called Aquaintance [sic: note the typo]... ;)
