Question for the speaker people: A Marshall Goldback?


Im guybrush threepwood
Jun 16, 2004
Bristol, United Kingdom
Hey guys, i've been following your posts recently, noticing you're pretty mad on speaker changing! Im just wondering, ive got this Marshall VS100 combo (just a valve in the preamp :blush: ) and speaker appears to be a "gold back". Been trying to find out if these are any good... sounds good to my ears, but then im not used to anything else :p

Would a noticable improvement be made by switching it for a celestion V30? And how much would one of those blighters cost ? :P
It's a serie designed for the valvestate amps, and it sound ok... In the valvestate only.
It's kinda like the Ibanez Tone Blaster "small stereo chrous version" combo.

Fukin' awesome sound! Only 30 watts through 2 10"s.

but the bigger versions including the big 2 12" combo and the halfstack sound like dog shit!

that is Live anyway.....recording could be two different stories.