Question for those in their late 20s and beyond...

LadySteele said:
being thirty-cough-ahem-something... I see a bit of what you are saying here- While I don't long to be 18 again, the "old stuff has its place, time, comfort, -nostalgia in addition to just being good to listen to.
impending parenthood -that is a big lifestyle change, you are saying goodbye to a part of yourself -parts that the music/memories are attached to. been there went through it. And on days that I am particularly tempted to pull my hair out, a good dose of the past is relaxing for memories of sitting on the beach with a beer, cutting class, with absoloutely no responsibility. AAAAHHHH , then the phone rings, somebody needs more koolaid, the dogs bark,bla :loco: bla bla. But then the music today, it is so fun to have TSO be our family holiday tradition, Sonata Artica is good rev up the preschoolers and let them burn off energy music!
I wouldn't go back,its a journey this life, and when you are about to turn down parenthood ave., there is a time for reflection before you move on- makes sense. And, In 20 years I'll be crying to All that I Bleed and various other Savatage, because I rocked my baby to sleep to it.. ;)

Excellent post Lady Steele. My feeling exactly. I'm 30, married with 2 kids. 2yrs & 6mths. I was extremely overwhelmed when my wife was first pregnant. It's a part of growing up. I wouldn't go back though. As quoted, "life's a journey"

My teenage years kicked ass, when Metallica & Guns & Roses & Slayer were all fresh bands, and I still listen to them, but my musical tastes have also changed. My fav band now is Opeth, but I'm listening to a lot of new styles of music. I've got the new Mark Knopfler playing right now at my desk.

I remember wanting to get Metallica tattoo'd on my arm.. I'm glad I didn't.

Congrats on the baby - my suggestion is to buy and Ipod (or equivalent)
Psychonaut said:
Of course, I would never want to get that intimate with my palm again...:)
I have a wonderful relationship with both my palms...and no hairs so far :loco:
SoundMaster said:
Do you find yourself being more "nostalgic" as you grow older? Do you long to re-experience the music (or the emotions and memories?) that you felt years ago?

These past few months have REALLY seen me feeling this way. I've totally gone back into time & have attempted to recaputure the feelings of my younger days. Perhaps it's the prospect of imminent fatherhood (as my wife is 3 months pregnant), or perhaps it's just the stain of aging (I just turned 33)?!?!

Lately, I've re-discovered the bands of my youth (AC/DC). Bands that have NOT grown along with me (such as Maiden, Priest, etc.) that I've been into for over 2 decades.

Does anyone here feel the same?
Ironically, we seem to remember the good more than the that just a defense mechanism of the mind? My teen days were more often worse than not, yet now, for some reason, I glorify them.
Strange, indeed.

Hey, 40 years old is just around the corner for me...and I mean RIGHT around the corner. I was there for the NWOBHM and REAL metal movement of the 80s. Those really were the best times of my life (young, irresponsible, partying all the time). I feel nostalgic often these days. Pretty much anytime I still pull out those old gems from the day: Sabbath, Maiden, Priest, Saxon, Demon, Warlord, Savatage, John Arch-era Fates Warning, etc. etc. They all bring back fond memories for me.

But I am also fortunate now by living the world of the Internet where I've found a TON of European bands still playing metal like it was the 80s. In the 90s I thought metal was dead (don't much like grunge or nu-metal) so I didn't listen to music. Then in 2001 I discovered Morpheus coinciding with's reviews and found a goldmine of great modern day bands.

Now if I want to hear a new kick ass Priest album, I put in Cage - Darker Than Black. If I want to hear a new kick ass Maiden, I put in Wuthering Heights - Far From A Maddening Crowd. IF I want to hear some old Rainbow or Dio, I plug in Astral Doors - Of the Son and the Father. If I want to hear old Savatage, well, I just plug in the new Jon Oliva solo album called 'Tage Mahal.

Great new music and while I am listening to it in present time, I am making new memories with both old and new friends. If I'm still alive in 20 years, I'll be looking back at year 2004 with feelings of nostalgia. I'll be listening to Ayreon, Orphaned Land, Falconer, Mob Rules, Therion and Nightwish...thinking "boy, I sure remember those days fondly..."

There is a lot of great music out there for old schoolers like you and me. You just have to go searching for it on the Internet.