Question for Vintersorg and other Swedes....


Let me die in solitude...
May 30, 2001
Visit site
Let's say I was thinking about a trip to Sweden (and I'm seriously considering it), what would be some places to check out? On trips, I despise the "tourist" locations, and would want to see the "real" Sweden (i.e. avoid tourist traps and all that shit). I think the nature there is just gorgeous and would be interested in taking in some natural beauty, as well as some "off the beaten path" type cities and towns....any suggestions?

of course this is all depending on how much money I have. I'm thinking that if I can't pull it off this summer, I may start just hoarding money for summer 2003....
How about a holiday in the mountains?? It´s popular to wanderer in the mountains a few days or a week or something like that. You will be all alone in the beautiful nature of northern Sweden and you will even eat in the nature, sleep in the nature and go to the bathroom in the nature. Pure nature in other words.

This is a summer holiday and it´s not very expensive. Just take a plane or train to a town (Kiruna for example) and you don´t have too spend lots of money on hotels.
Well, the swedish part of your journey is not expensive, but the Califonia --> Sweden ticket is.....
Originally posted by Sadistik
Let's say I was thinking about a trip to Sweden (and I'm seriously considering it), what would be some places to check out? On trips, I despise the "tourist" locations, and would want to see the "real" Sweden (i.e. avoid tourist traps and all that shit). I think the nature there is just gorgeous and would be interested in taking in some natural beauty, as well as some "off the beaten path" type cities and towns....any suggestions?

of course this is all depending on how much money I have. I'm thinking that if I can't pull it off this summer, I may start just hoarding money for summer 2003....

Personally, I think you should allot time for a week (or two!) to explore the cities and a week or so to enjoy the nature. Both are important parts of Sweden, and equally enjoyable (depending on how you feel about camping and such).

Keep in mind, that if you go into nature, you can sleep anywhere as long as the people who live in the house can't see you. There is a law regarding this.

Stockholm is one of my absolute favorite cities in the world. I lived in Västerås briefly a few years ago, and spent a *lot* of my time just wandering Stockholm for hours on end.
Well, if it's of any interest there's a place here in Norrland that has just been made a reservatory. Its supposed to be a 'urskog' (ancient forest) that's made up by layers and layers of moss and old trees. I haven't been there.. yet, although I am planning on going there before this winter ends. Well, just thought I let you know this.
I've got a friend who lives in Gothenburg that Im gonna hang with when I go there. Let her show me around and such. Nothing touristy.

If you want to see Sweden at its best, the Swedish westcoast in the summer is the best you can get, I´ll be willing to help ya with boat renting and stuff like that, might even take you on a trip with me own...:)
But you really should spend a year here... One can´t see all stuff in summer or winter...Must be combined togheter with fall and spring..:)

-phyros (HUNGRY)
yeah I think I should come to Sweden for at least a year, not only to explore the beauty of the country, it would help me a lot to learn the language...
I I would do recommend to visit some towns too, I love Gothenburg (Göteborg)!!! The "big" towns are not as big as they are in the U.S....
I love the comunities in Sweden, I have to scann some pics in, how much I miss Sweden... :cry:
Yesterday I was going to meet some Swedish friends here in Germany, unfortunately I never arrived there, cause I had a car accident, my first one in 12 years. :cry:
It was a very wicked weather yesterday, chaos on the roads, even if I had this accident, I was very, very lucky... it was a nightmare on the road... I don't really want to know how many died there yesterday!!!
damn!!! suppose you are OK morgana!!!! I had one of those BAD accidents once...worst experience of my life!!!

about Sweden...well I'm thinking on getting there this summer with my girlfriend, but we don't know still if her parents will let her go abroad.
Anyway my plan is to move to Sweden when I finish my degree, in two years or so, and then live there for some years if not forever :))))))))))
and Gothemburg is what's calling me now, loud and clear :)
Oiii, morg! don´t make me worried! Are you fully recovered? You didn´t hit someone? Argh, I hate those things!

Ahhhh, my melon friend, a girlfriend is the answer! I am soo happy for you! you do deserve to have a great time!! And a great time it´ll be this summer!!!

-phyros (watching bob)
hehehehe thanx man...I don't konw if we'll be able to get abroad this summer....I hope so :D
and then we'll see if we meet pal!

fathervic ( :) )
*jealous of mastermelon :( * I wish I could go with my girlfriend abroad, but I cant for several factors (lack of girlfriend, lack of money). At any rate, Phyros is paying for my room and board, as long as we get to have a PJ party im game! :D
Göteborg is a nice town, and there's some very nice ppl there! If you won't go to a place with lots of tourists you shouldn't go to Liseberg, but it's lots of fun there! Malmö is another nice little town (west coast). And skjærgården (don't know what that would be in eng.) outside Stockholm MUST be experienced! Haven't seen too much of Swedish nature, other than places I've driven through, though I should.
Originally posted by Fjelltussa
Göteborg is a nice town, and there's some very nice ppl there! If you won't go to a place with lots of tourists you shouldn't go to Liseberg, but it's lots of fun there! Malmö is another nice little town (west coast). And skjærgården (don't know what that would be in eng.) outside Stockholm MUST be experienced! Haven't seen too much of Swedish nature, other than places I've driven through, though I should.

Yeah, Skärgården is very nice and beautiful in the summertime!
A must for tourists...and swedes/Stockholmers also, btw! :)

In Norway, where you live Fjelltussa, you have also great nature.
I dunno what the word is in english, but you have many cool fjordar ( fjords? :lol: ) there! :p
Well, actually, there's no fjords where I live - that being up in the mountains. Not real ones, anyway, according to the definite definition. (There are lakes that have -fjord in the name, though. There are lots of those in Nor to, you see. Don't know why.)
Originally posted by FatherVic
damn!!! suppose you are OK morgana!!!! I had one of those BAD accidents once...worst experience of my life!!!

I'm ok and soon my car will be ok too. I have started already on the weekend to fix it, but I don't have a hydraulic ramp, so I can't check the car completely by myself. Talked to Thomas today, we made an agreement, so I get the car fixed soon. :)

At least I can drive ok at the moment...
Fjords... yeah, heard of em.

Im goin' to Gothenburg this summer prolly to kick it old skool.