Question for vintersorg, please help.

Jim Ansell

May 14, 2001
Detroit, mi
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Hey, I love your music.
I read somewhere that you used a drum machine for the drums on the older vintersorg albums.
if this is true, what drum machine did you use? It sounds so real, i'd like to get one for my home recordings.

I've asked him the same question for a year a go or something...
He uses samples and a sequenser to trig the samples like Cubase. He also used drums from different synths..
He don't want to give the exact name on the sample cd's. ;)
Maybe he will do that now since he have got Asgeir on drums... :)

Anyway I can recomend some Akai cd's with cool drum samples:
Heavy Hitters
Platinum Drums (all of them)
I've used samples and sequencer, ordinary drum machines usually sound very poor in my ears. If you're into metal you should use samples from the cd" Drum kits from hell" that's the most metal outfit you get on drums.

mr V
Drummachines suck...
Get a decent sequencer, a sampler(softsampler) and samplecds... that's what I like most.
hehehe....I listened to one of these demo mp3....not that I understand too much of what's been said there, still it's been a nice insight of how it possibly works