Question for Zac

Katana Overlord

Master of the Pit
Jan 2, 2005
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Do you know if King Diamond has his voice back? I'm going to a KD show on Apr 30th in Minneapolis, I'll be choked if he doesn't because I actually have to travel for this, since I live in Canada.
Also what's the set list like? I know it's the Puppet Master Tour, but does he play the whole thing and what else does he play?
As I have been telling all everyone attending the upcoming shows, do not worry about Kings voice! The last 5 shows every single review has been 100% positive! So you are in for the amazing show King always does!

I wasn't worried at all at the cancellations of the PA show. As a diehard fan of the band I know that King does get sick very easily, and with a night off & two nights not singing falsetto in New York...King would be well on his way to recovery! King has cancelled a date or 2 on almost every tour, he just gets sick alot on the road. (Despite what MetalSteph might have to say :D )

As for the setlist
Here you go my friend.
*Some nights he has played Mansion In Sorrow & also The Invisible Guests
Im sure this depends on energy and/or time constraints.

1. Funeral
2. Arrival
3. Mansion in Darkness
4. Family Ghost
5. Black Horsemen
6. Intro - Spirits
7. Sorry Dear
8. Come To The Sabbath
9. The Eye
10. Sleepless Nights
11. Blood To Walk
12. So Sad
13. Welcome Home
14. Halloween
15. Evil

Two Mercyful Fate songs & Arrival! Holy fuck I cannot wait!
Some have been complaining about the setlist, but they are obviously morons who don't realize that this is the 2nd leg of The Puppet Master tour, and the setlist would remain almost the same.

Anyway man
I wish you an awesome time! And make sure to post a review!
You are in for one of the best shows of your life (as King always delivers)

Man, all this talk is making me want to be out in CA!
Im flying out in 10 days to see King! 2 shows back to back!

Stay Heavy

Thanks man! I can't wait. This is my first time seeing KinG Diamond in concert. I'm excited for the Mercyful Fate songs th emost, I love the first two albums, two of the greatest albums released.
I'll post a review, but no pics as I don't have a digital camera.
So the concert was amazing! Well worth the 8 hour drive there and 8 hour drive back! Behemoth were really tight and they sounded great. I love Demigod, great album. Black dahlia blew more ass than anything I have ever seen performed live. Biggest poseur band ever. Nile were really great, I really like there music and they were good showman, Nergal from Behemoth even came on and guested. I bought Karl Sanders solo album, it's really cool eqyptian experimental stuff.

King Diamond... So hard to put into words how amazing he was. I didn't know all the material fromt he show since I only own Melissa and Puppet Master, but he blew me away. Every song was quality and the show was put on really well. The set list was similar to the one you have above but he performed The Ritual. Come to The Sabbath was my favourite tune of the bunch. The sound at the place I was at was worse than the local clubs I go to, so thatw as dissapointing but otherwise, it was great.