question: how was YOUR weekend?


i just started working at einstein bros. bagels last weekend eight hours a day and it's not bad but surprisingly hectic. there are like seven different coffees in the coffee bar that need to be remade every hour and the old one poured out and everything plus all the other stuff you can imagine like making paninis and wiping trays and doing dishes and stocking the cream cheese and drink coolers and sweeping and peeing in the soups and it pretty much gets nuts. also i didn't bother to ask how much i'm making because i sort of feel like it's a rude question? so i still don't know.
well, i most certainly think you should be asking how much you're making. it's not rude, it's rude that they didn't even tell you!
well alex in your case i think it's reasonable to say you'll at least be making a living wage or something, so it's not important. i can't believe you didn't ask during the interview process?? you guys are funny.
well see the thing is, i think that there is a standard salary index for ALL nyc teachers--degree + years of experience. so if i asked the interviewer would probably be like "um i don't know, look at this documentation here" and it's somewhat confusing; i have a nonstandard degree so i don't know if i'm going to make more because of it, or...? (i have an MAT, which is an MEd + extra classes concentrating in my subject, so i don't know if i'll get paid as an MEd or a bit more...there's no MAT entry on the salary calculator) additionally, NYC teachers have been working without a contract for two years, and we're due a few years of raises, so the amount could go up when we sign a contract probably after the mayoral election...

see how confusing it is!
Friday night
Erin Bode set @ Jazz at the Bistro, small jazz listening room type place: +18
Walk through trendy portion of town by antique shops and fancy bars: +8
Wine at a sidewalk table pan-am type place: +1 (kinda hot and muggy)

Grocery shopping: +5
Changed car battery, runs much better: +8 (feeling of accomplishment)
Dinner at place called Space for stepsister's 30th bday: +20
Fancy drinks at Van Gogh Martini Bar: +16 (for comfy couches and good convo)

Church: +10
Visitation for friend of Jodi's fam who passed away: -5
BBQ at friends' house we never see: +30

Bonuses: found out friend we never see has several dece guitars ('81 Custom Les Paul, '80 Dean Flying V, PRS, G&L, etc.) and had fun with their two very itelligent and personality-soaked daughters, ages 6 and 3.
Overall Score: 93
i dunno but all the ads on new york one feature mayoral types sucking up to voters by talking about how they love teachers and will give us smaller classes, more money, etc!
yeah, i figured. HOWEVER i believe that no matter who gets elected they're going to give us a contract and raise at least. it's so long overdue, everyone agrees it needs to be done, and it will be an easy "achievement" for the new mayor to point to as "fulfilling his promises".