Question in regards to production and it's impact...

The best part and it is a catch 22 is if a band lays out mucho bucks for a studio they expect a label to pay ridiculous advances to them.
it's not really beyond comprehension those albums come from a time when production on albums cost $250,000-$500,000 or even more. and producers EARNED their money by getting good tones NATURALLY and not relying on some "plug-ins" and modern tricks.

sadly enough music has become so homogenized because of "stellar" and "flawless" production there is very little to separate bands today. everything sounds the same because they all use the same pro-tools plug-ins and drum samples.

just my opinion, but you can go through your current record collection and pick out the producers and hear the same tones on every CD they do. how does that help bands create something unique?

killswitch engage has had the SAME EXACT drum samples on all of their records. how boring is that?! hahaha. closed. It seems to me the "traditional" producer doesn't exist today or if they do, technology has made them lazy.

My opinion is if I like the songwriting but the production is poor due to the plain fact that a band has no money to have it done better it has NO IMPACT on whether or not I will listen (unless of course it is unlistenable like you cant make out what is being played).

I mostly agree with the above. For me, it's 95% about the songwriting and performance, as long as the production isn't *awful*. On the flip side, however, stellar production can boost a CD's appeal to me, but it's more the exception than the rule.

For example, I *like* Devin Townsend, but I'm not a rabid fan. However, I think that the production quality of the Ocean Machine disc makes it twice as good as the actual songs and performance themselves otherwise would be. If it didn't have that larger-than-life production, I don't think I'd listen to it half as much as I do. (Caveat: That same production style on another disc could ruin just fits Devin's music perfectly).

I hate production that sounds "raw", if I want raw I'll have a salad with no dressing or croutons (boring). Give me something that sounds sharp, crystal clear, dynamic, and powerful. I can't stand it when a good or great album is marred by weak production/mastering. Listening to good music should be enjoyable, but when I keep thinking how much better it could sound, that really detracts from the experience.
I am also a "production snob". I would like "Kill 'Em All" a LOT better if it didn't sound like it was recorded in someone's garage. That's why I'm sticking with Edguy, who, IMHO, has some of the best production out there.

Chris :rock:
I am also a "production snob". I would like "Kill 'Em All" a LOT better if it didn't sound like it was recorded in someone's garage. That's why I'm sticking with Edguy, who, IMHO, has some of the best production out there.

Chris :rock:

I think the same for "Ride the Lightning" too, although not as bad. It's really hard for me to listen to their first two. Edguy's first couple don't have great production either but I like them actually, unlike most. Their latter albums though do have great production.
YA production has a huge impact on me, BUT if a song or band is good, then its good regardless of the quality. Good production is a plus though!