question on reamping with alesis IO 26


Mar 15, 2007
Mannheim, Germany
I have an Alesis IO 26 and cubase sx. how can I manage a reamp configuration? all channels have insert cables. I think I have to creat somehow a bus that sends a track signal into a channel of the alesis and record the signal after the inserts. what do I have to click in cubase?

another question: I'm running all my audio over the alesis interface integrated sound card. when I hear music with a media player and start cubase the music stopps and even if I close cubase I can't hear any audio signals. sometimes if I play a game or listen to a web player the audio crashes and I can't hear any signal through the boxes. how can I solve that?
Is it possible to record everything through the line in and then line it out to reamp using the cable outs at the back?

I have a io 14 but was thinking about getting a 26, how is it?
Use 1 of the 8 line outs for reamping (after you have tracked the clean DI).

Stupid Alesis doesn't specify if these are balanced line outs or not (ghey).

You would setup the exstra outputs the same way you did the inputs, once you do this. The pulldown menu for the output routing on the clean DI track should be set to the output your using to reamp through.

Hopefully this helps, if not let me know.
Is it possible to record everything through the line in and then line it out to reamp using the cable outs at the back?

I have a io 14 but was thinking about getting a 26, how is it?
kind of ot, but you could add a adat preamp to your IO 14 and have the same, but maybe cheaper?